Lilydale Quarry Redevelopment/Kinley Estate (AmC203yran)

Former Lilydale Quarry Comprehensive Development Plan - Amendment C203

Amendment C203yran to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme was approved by the Minister for Planning and gazetted on 28 January 2022.

The Amendment rezones the balance of the former Lilydale Quarry (approximately 143 hectares of land) from a Special Use Zone, Schedule 1 (SUZ1) to a Comprehensive Development Zone, Schedule 1 (CDZ1) and incorporates the Former Lilydale Quarry Comprehensive Development Plan October 2021 (Amended August 2022) into the planning scheme to facilitate the development of the site for predominately residential use supported by commercial, retail and other uses.

The Amendment (previously referred to as C193yran) was progressed under the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) Fast Track Program and was approved by the Minister for Planning under section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

View Amendment Documentation on the Department of Land, Water, Planning and Environment (DELWP) link below.

Yarra Ranges C203yran

Standing Advisory Committee

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) was appointed by the Minister for Planning to consider submissions to Draft Amendment C193: Lilydale Quarry Comprehensive Development Plan, which was released by the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) for public comment in November/December 2020. A total of 57 submissions were received. A copy of Yarra Ranges Council’s submission can be viewed below.

The SAC held a public hearing (video conference) between 31 May and 10 June 2021 to consider submissions referred to it by the Minister for Planning. The Committee submitted its report to the Minister on 15 July 2021 and it was released to the general public on 29 July 2021. A link to the SAC report is available on the VPA website below.  

About the redevelopment 

The former Lilydale Quarry also known as Cave Hill Quarry and more recently as Kinley is approximately 163 hectares in size. The site is located next to Box Hill Institute’s Lilydale Lakeside Campus.

The limestone quarry ceased operations in 2015. In 2017 there was a change in ownership from Sibelco Australia to a Consortium (Intrapac Property, in joint venture with Bayport Group and Hume Partners).

Development of the quarry site is occurring in stages. A planning permit was issued by the Minister for Planning in 2014 to support new residential housing on a 20 hectare parcel fronting Hull Road and the current owners are in the process of developing the land that will result in the order of 200 lots over five stages. Stage one and four are now complete and a Display Village has recently opened.

The owners are also continuing to invest in the balance of the site and are in the process of backfilling the quarry pit with the existing overburden on the site and have submitted a planning permit application for the subdivision of Precinct 1 – Western Neighbourhood which is located on land west of the railway line that was rezoned under Amendment C203.Approvals required under the Comprehensive Development Zone are also being progressed, which include formalising agreements for future infrastructure and delivery of 5 percent affordable housing.

Further information on the redevelopment of the former Lilydale Quarry site and the VPA’s role and processes is available on the VPA website link below.