Current emergencies and support

Last updated: Friday 21 March 2025

While the fire in Montrose is no longer active, Dr Ken Leversha Reserve remains closed and is unsafe to visit until further notice.

Once the fire is out, assessments will need to be done on the reserve before we can be sure that it is safe for people to return to, this includes a thorough assessment on all trees impacted by the fire.

Signage will remain up at the reserve informing people to stay out until further notice is given.

Please be considerate of the impacts that the fire has had on local residents. Roads near the reserve should be used by local traffic only.

When safe to do so, Council will also be undertaking cultural and biodiversity assessments to understand the impact of the fire on the reserve, and how best to re-vegetate the site that balances biodiversity, recreation, cultural and community safety values.

Please always check the Emergency Management Victoria websitefor the latest emergency information.


Outreach Services

Council has engaged volunteers from the Victorian Council of Churches Emergency Ministries (VCC-EM) and Red Cross to undertake outreach. Door knocking of properties closest to the Montrose Sheffield Road Fire started on Tuesday 18 March and will continue through to Friday 21 March. These volunteers are trained in Psychological First Aid and are offering a listening ear, support and information. We are enormously grateful for their readiness to support our community and the sensitive and skilled way in which they do their valuable work after emergencies.

Volunteers will be standing with the Montrose Township Group on Saturday at the Montrose Cottage during the VicTraffic Montrose intersection celebration event. They will also be attending the CFA information session on Monday.


See the resources below for more information:


Support and resources

Dr Rob Gordon videos - Managing trauma after a bushfire

Hosted by Dr Rob Gordon, clinical psychologist and expert in mental health and supporting people affected by storm and bushfires, these webinars were filmed in mid-2022 and cover topics about what to expect at this time as well as some coping strategies to assist with recovery.

Whether you’re recovery journey is just starting, or if you’re several months into your rebuild, these videos  offers advice on ways to help empower yourself, learn to deal with the stress and manage the anxiety that winter weather can bring including: 
  • The first year of disaster recovery
  • Trauma, loss and stress: Disruption in storm affected communities.
  • Helping your children recover from a very unusual, and traumatic event.
  • Effective tips for people who find themselves being in the position of an accidental/informal counsellor.

View the video resources here.

Upcoming Community Events

Montrose Bushfire Community Meeting

7pm, Monday 24 March

Montrose Town Centre/Library, 935 Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd, Montrose

(Will also be livestreamed from the Montrose CFA Facebook page)


VicTraffic Montrose intersection celebration event

Saturday 22 March


Montrose Town Centre Reserve


While this event was set up to celebrate the completion of the Montrose intersection, the Montrose Township Group will also be at the historical cottage for a cuppa, a treat and some quiet contemplation or a gentle chat. The Eastern Community Legal Centre will also be available to provide info for residents on insurance and other legal matters.


Community Meeting - 16th March 2025

Community members were invited to attend the meeting regarding the Montrose Bushfire.

Date: Sunday, 16th March 2025
Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Montrose Town Centre Civic Library


You can view the full livestream recording on Montrose Township Group's Facebook page

Traffic and Road Closures

There may be traffic delays in the area. Please expect delays or seek an alternative route

Roads that are impacted:


Please stay informed on impacted roads and closures by visiting the VicTraffic website who will give the most up to date information.

Bushfire Smoke and Air Quality

Visit EPA AirWatch | Environment Protection Authority Victoria to monitor for air quality.

Most healthy people tolerate brief smoke exposure quite well. But some people are more sensitive to smoke than others, including: 

  • people with asthma or other lung conditions
  • people with heart and blood vessel disease like angina, heart failure and stroke
  • people with diabetes
  • pregnant women 
  • babies and young children
  • older people. 

If you are in one of the categories above, it is important to manage your health and reduce your exposure to the smoke as much as possible. 

Anyone may experience the following symptoms as a result of smoke exposure:

  • eye, nose and throat irritation
  • coughing
  • sneezing
  • congestion.

However, those more sensitive to smoke may experience worsening of existing health conditions. Smoke can for example:

  • trigger asthma
  • worsen heart disease.

In addition, smoke may be a risk because of reduced visibility and road safety. 

Community Relief and Support Agencies

If you are dealing with an emergency of another kind, many organisations in the Yarra Ranges are dedicated to providing support to people when needed. Find local providers of services, including mental health support, material and financial assistance, food relief and housing and homelessness support.

Preparing for an emergency

Emergencies can occur at any time. View information on what you can do before, during, or after an emergency.

Drinking water and water tank safety after a bushfire

If you live in a bushfire-affected area your drinking water tank could have become contaminated from debris, ash, dead animals or aerial fire retardants.

If the water tastes, looks or smells unusual, do not drink it or give it to animals.

Water from a river or creek should never be used for drinking or preparing food unless it has been properly treated.

Water drawn from deep bores or wells should be safe to use.

Please download: After a fire: private drinking water and water tank safety(PDF, 125KB)