Application checklist - what you need to include

Person filling in a checklist

What you need to provide with your application will depend on your proposal, and the zones and overlays that apply to the property.

To help you understand what you need submit, you may consider 

To avoid delays and requests for further information, please make sure your application is submitted with the all the required information.

All applications must include


Plans you may need to include

Your set of plans should be drawn to scale (1:100 or 1:200) and include:

Site Plan

Plan/s must include:

  • property boundaries and dimensions
  • all existing buildings (named existing)
  • driveway
  • trees within 10 metres of proposed works (including trees on neighbouring properties)
  • clearly mark proposed building or works
  • distances of proposed buildings between existing buildings and boundaries
  • effluent area (if applicable)
  • location and dimensions of any easements/restrictions (eg. Buildings exclusion zones)
  • location and dimensions of any existing and proposed crossovers

Elevation plan

Plan/s must include:

  • heights and widths of windows
  • heights and widths of doors
  • slope of the land
  • north, south, east and west elevations
  • colour and material schedule
  • cut or fill
  • overall building height.

Floor plan

Plan/s must include:

  • floor area for each level
  • finished floor levels
  • room/area names
  • external openings
  • overall building dimensions
  • glazing to prevent overlooking.

In some cases other plans may be required. We'll let you know if we need additional information. 

Sample plans

Other documents and reports you may need

Depending on the proposal you may need to provide some of the following documents. 

  • Arborist report
  • Biodiversity report
  • Bushfire management plan
  • Rescode one dwelling on a lot (clause 54)
  • Rescode Subdivision (clause 56) 
  • Caveat
  • Cultural heritage management plan
  • Effluent disposal plan (waste disposal)
  • Environmental sustainable design management plan (ESD)
  • Geotechnical declaration form
  • Heritage study
  • Land capability assessment report
  • Legal advice
  • Proof of dependency (medical certificate or letter from Centrelink)
  • Metropolitan Planning Levy Certificate (if the value of the proposed development is over $1,207,000)
  • Native vegetation assessment
  • Neighbourhood site description plan and context plan
  • Property management plan
  • Schedule of colours and materials
  • Shadow plan
  • Site photos
  • Traffic report
  • Waste management plan
  • Rescode mulitple dwellings report (clause 55)
  • Red line plan
  • Register search statement
  • Covenant
  • Title plan (plan of subdivision)

VicSmart applications

If your proposal is eligible for VicSmart, provide the documents listed in the relevant checklist.

Find out more about VicSmart and view the checklists.


Next steps: Lodge your application