Upwey - Sit, Meet and Eat Spaces

  • Project typeStreetscape Improvements
  • Project value$275,000
  • Project scheduleConstruction Phase
  • Completion Date23 December 2022

About the project

Funded by the State Government through the Covid Safe Outdoor Activation Program, this project has been developed with the intention to improve public space and amenity while encouraging ongoing activation within the town centre. 

Almost two years of temporary car park dining enabled Council and community to see how activating additional public space for outdoor dining can support an entire town.  After reviewing sites across the Shire, Upwey has been recognised for embracing the extended outdoor dining program, with two sites identified to be permanently adapted for ongoing outdoor activation.

The works will include additional footpath, curb and channel, drainage, landscaping, safety barriers and seating. This project will involve permanently repurposing five car spaces in Upwey, to community spaces that will provide additional amenity to the township and space that businesses can activate through the Footpath Trading Permit for extended outdoor dining.



Why these locations?

  • The success of the Temporary Car Park Dining permit at both these sites has demonstrated the functionality of these areas for additional community space that would be available for activation by businesses through the footpath trading permit;

  • The cost of works to create the spaces are within the allocated State Government funding

  • The use of existing car parking space will have a minimal impact on the location;

  • The topography of the location lends itself to creating an accessible and safe location;

  • Traders in the area have shown interest in activating the spaces;

Design Highlights

The Sit, Meet and Eat sites have been designed with a good mix of style and functionally, they are community sites that can also be activated by local businesses during trading hours.

Some of the key design features are:

  • The sites encourage people to come together and spend time in the Upwey business centre
  • Sites which are suitable for activation as an extension of footpath dining spaces.
  • Comfortable seating suitable for day-to-day community use or as dining spaces.
  • Fits with the existing Upwey Streetscape
  • Functional and fashionable materials choices.
  • Accessible to all abilities with the inclusions of ramps and handrails and bluestone paving designed to reduce likelihood of slips and sealed to prevent staining
  • The inclusion of tree planting using StrataVault sub surface tree root vault system.
  • We have been working closely with our arborist to select the replacement trees and its been recommended that we use  Golden Rain Tree (Botanical name: Koelreuteria paniculatum – not Koelreuteria elegans) This is a deciduous tree that grows to 6 metres high and spreads to 4 to 6 metres wide and being deciduous, means that users of the space will have the winter sun and summer shade in these areas. For more information Google - Koelreuteria paniculatum.



Project Timeline

Milestone Status
Initial Concept Drawings and design options and discussions with local traders    Completed April 2022 
Undertake site surveys and arborist reports for Morris Road and Main Street sites   Completed May 2022
Initial designs developed for site  Completed May 2022
Initial designs reviewed and Detailed Designs accepted ready for Contractor Tender Completed July 2022
Contract for works awarded       Completed August 2022
Two trees removed from the Main Street site to make way for the works to start Completed 19th August 2022
Works Commence Started 19th September 2022
Works Complete - Main Street Site Completed 23rd December 2022
 Works Complete - Morris Road Site  Completed 23rd January 2023
Both Sites Commissioned 

Completed 30th January 2023

Where are we up to?

Works on the Upwey Sit, Meet and Eat spaces has now been completed and both sites are open and available for community access as well as activation by local businesses.

We have a few small fine-tuning activities that will be undertaken over coming months, this includes the adjustment to the arm rests on some of the seats, the installation of a barrier in Main Street to prevent people taking a shortcut through the gardens damaging the plants and the installation of permanent umbrella mounting spaces.

Update - 19th August

Two existing trees on the Main Street site were removed on the 19th August. This is necessary to allow the footpath reinstatement and tie-in of the new works and while we do lose two trees, these will be replaced as part of the new construction and to ensure the trees remain healthy, we are including 10 cu. meter “Root Stratavaults” as a key element of the project.

On the Morris Road site, the two existing trees will remain (they are currently not impacting the footpath) and as part of the build a 15cu. metre Stratavault will be included and two new trees suitable for the location will be planted in the space.


Update - 14th October

Works commenced in Upwey on the 19th September.

The crew have been working hard, cutting the footpath and roadway and excavating the site in preparation for the placement of the Soil Vault System called StrataVault.

The works have also focused on the construction of additional drainage lines and pits to take account of the both surface water runoff as well as a sub-surface drainage system.

This soil vault system is an important part of this project and will ensure great tree health well into the future by allowing the movement of air, water, and other nutrients required as well as protecting the roots.

Unfortunately, we have experienced a few challenges including the weather and some unexpected underground services locations, but works will continue once the weather permits.

The next steps will include the installation of the StrataVault, the soil for the trees, new curb and channel construction and the new Sit, Meet and Eat concrete base.

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(Site Works Photos - Excavation)


Update - 25th November

Morris Road Work Site

Despite more than 25 days of rain, local flooding, and strong wind conditions since we started this project, our construction crews have been working hard to keep the works moving forward.

Since the last update we have completed the sub-surface tree vaults, constructed the curb and channel, poured the concrete slabs for the spaces, poured the concrete plinths for the seats, laid the Bluestone Pavers, and re-laid the footpaths to match the new Sit, Meet and Eat spaces.

The remaining works planned for the next couple of weeks (weather permitting) include sealing the stone pavers and seat plinths, reinstating the road surface near the curb and channel, fitting the new seats and planting our magnificent hand selected Golden Rain Trees and understory plants.


(Left to Right: Tree Root Vault, Concrete Slabs & Curbs, Plinths Forms, Paving & Seat Plinths, New Footpaths)

Morris Road Work Site 

Works started in Main Street outside the Fat Goat last week with the initial excavation, drainage connections and set-out the sub-surface tree vault system.

The works will pick up pace here over the next few weeks with the sub-surface tree vaults finished, the concrete slab and seat plinths formed and then poured, the ramp and stairs constructed and the same Bluestone pavers as the Main Street laid.

Once this is completed reinstatement works on the road and footpath, fitting of handrails, seats and then planting of our two new Golden Rain Trees and understory plants will see this site ready for the community to use.

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(Left to Right: Starting at Morris Rod & Sub-surface Tree Vault System)

Update - 9th December

Main Street Work Site

Works on the Main Street Site have been completed with just a few minor tasks to be done over the next few weeks. This means that it is now open for business and as our photo’s show, its looking amazing with its permanent and very comfortable seating, some great planting that will thrive because of the sub-surface Tree Vaults and integrated passive watering system. The established Golden Rain Trees we have used in this space will help provide some shade while not interfering with the shop awnings and because they are deciduous, during the winter they will let in plenty of light. Maria’s were certainly keen to move into the space and this purpose-built area will also allow more space on the newly laid footpath for pedestrians who will now find it much easier to navigate with less bumps and trip hazard.

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Morris Road Work Site

Works in Morris Road outside The Fat Goat continue. Works since the last update include the slab being laid out and poured, the concreted plinths to mount the seats have been constructed, the all-ability ramp formed and poured including the drainage channel and most of the tiles have now been laid on the deck. This week we are focused on the construction of steps to the deck, finalising the drainage including the curb and channel, completing the Bluestone pavers, and fitting the seats. Once this is completed reinstatement works on the road and footpath, fitting of handrails and then planting of our two new Golden Rain Trees and understory plants will see this site ready for the community to use.

Due to earlier rain and weather events costing us more than four weeks of construction time, works will need to be completed in January and will recommence on the 16th January 2023. This will include the remaining tiling, drainage, ramp, planting and stainless-steel railings, fixtures, and fixings.


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Update - 11th May 2023

Works on the Upwey Sit, Meet and Eat spaces has now been completed and both sites are open and available for community access as well as activation by local businesses.

Morris Road – “The Fat Goat” Sit, Meet, and Eat site:

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Main Street – “Tin Pan Alley and Maria’s” Sit, Meet and Eat site:

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Contact details

Geoff Deacon
1300 368 333