Policies & strategies

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The Active Recreation Plan is a plan to encourage people in the Yarra Ranges to be more active.

Currently, only 40% of Yarra Ranges residents are meeting the Australian physical activity guidelines of at least 30 minutes per day on at least 5 days a week.

We have heard that 89% of residents are interested in being, or would be, more active if the type of activity that suited their needs and interests was available and accessible.

This plan focuses on you and the factors influencing your participation in active recreation. It suggests a combination of actions to help us reach our target of increasing the physical activity of Yarra Ranges residents by 15% over ten years.


Yarra Ranges Council is responsible for over $1 billion of infrastructure assets that underpin the delivery of services to the community.

As custodian and steward of these community’s assets, Council ensures that these assets are effectively managed so they continue to meet the needs of the community whilst achieving best value and sustainable outcomes.

Asset management is a core Council service and is at the centre of Council’s overall financial and strategic planning decision making.

Together with the Strategic Asset Management Plan, individual Asset Management Plans and associated working procedures and practices it provides a comprehensive, accountable and transparent Asset Management Framework for the Council.

This Asset Plan 2022–2032 has been prepared to assist Yarra Ranges Council’s long term financial planning and support the delivery of Council services to the community through its infrastructure including buildings, roads, bridges, footpaths, stormwater drainage, parks and recreation facilities, etc. 

Promotes child safety and guides employees in identifying and reporting alleged child abuse. It also outlines how to manage various risks when working with children.

Child Safe Authorities, Information and Counselling


Child Safety Incident Reporting

Victorian Police – For emergencies


Department of Families, Fairness & Housing Child Protection

1300 360 391 8.45am - 5.00pm

131 278

After hrs. incl. weekend/ public hols.

Orange Door Outer Eastern Melbourne.

1800 271 150


Lilydale Police Station

9739 2300

Commission for Children and Young People

1300 78 29 78


Information and Counselling Support Services

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800


13 11 14

Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (ECASA)

9870 7330/ 1800 806 292 (24 hrs)


1800 737 732


1300 224 636

SAMSN – Male Survivors,

1800 4 SAMSN (72 676)


Cybersmart Online Help

1800 880 176



See Council’s dedicated Child Safety page for more information 


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