Outer East Youth Service Providers Network (YSPN)

1. Overview

Yarra Ranges Youth Service Providers Network is a network for youth service providers in the Yarra Ranges. It provides opportunities for members to network, share information and address local needs, issues and service gaps.

Want to become a member or receive full meeting wrap-ups from previous meetings? Email youth@yarraranges.vic.gov.au

As a Outer East YSPN member, you will receive:

  • Regular information about youth programs and services.
  • Professional development opportunities and resources.
  • Opportunities to share information, promote programs and ask questions.

As an Outer East YSPN member, you will also receive invitations to attend quarterly meetings held in various locations across the Yarra Ranges, Knox, and Maroondah local government areas.  

Outer East Youth Service Providers Network

2. Upcoming meeting dates

  • Thursday 20 February 2025, Lilydale Civic Centre (Yarra Ranges Council)
  • Tuesday 20 May 2025, The Hive (Knox City Council)
  • Wednesday 20 August 2025, REALM (Maroondah City Council)
  • Thursday 20 November 2025, Lilydale Civic Centre (Yarra Ranges Council)