Whether you are a resident, business or visitor to the Yarra Ranges, we all have a collective responsibility to respond and adapt to climate change to help lessen its impact.
At Council, we have been looking at the ways we can plan, prioritise and deliver an effective response to climate change for both Council operations and to assist with community responses.
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on the draft Yarra Ranges Liveable Climate Plan. This consultation is now closed.
What has Council been doing?
Council achievements to date
For the past 10 years the organisation has taken a strategic approach to reducing emissions.
Council’s Resource Management Strategy (2007) established the guiding principles for reducing our carbon footprint and cost: Avoid, Reduce, Replace and Offset.
In 2012 Council endorsed its Adapting to a Changing Climate and Energy Future plan, including a commitment to reduce emissions from Council activities by 30% on 2000 levels by 2020.
Projects delivered to date include:
- Energy efficiency initiatives that have reduced demand for electricity by 40% across Council’s largest facilities
- Streetlight upgrades that have reduced electricity use by 40% across Council’s street lighting
- Over 4,000 roof top solar panels installed since 2016 meaning 25% of all electricity used in Council facilities is now supplied by renewables
What are Council's targets?
Read more about our targets for 2040
While doing all of this, we have targets to:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 per cent on 2005 levels by 2025
- Achieve net zero emissions by 2040.
- Transition all Council services and infrastructure to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.
- Transition to zero operation energy expenditure by 2040.
What are Council's priority areas?
Read more about how we'll create a liveable climate in Yarra Ranges
Our priorities for the next few years, outlined in the plan, include:
- Renewable Energy - Ensuring all our energy is sourced from renewables
- Zero Emission Fleet - Our vehicles and equipment generate zero emissions
- Resilient Buildings - Improving the energy efficiency of our buildings
- Sustainable Design - Our buildings, roads, infrastructure are designed, built and managed sustainably
- Climate Thinking - We consider climate change when designing our strategies, policies, programs and services
- Living Landscapes - Our townships and suburbs are green oases, a sustainable water use approach creates liveable environmentally-friendly neighbourhoods.
- Thriving Yarra Ranges - Community, business and industry are climate-ready and energised. Access to secure water supplies, affordable renewable energy and the benefits of a circular economy.
- Adapting Together - We are inclusive, helping each other to reduce emissions, no one is left behind.
- Sustainable Transport - Connected and integrated throughout the region to ensure equitable access, improved health and wellbeing and lower emissions.
- Food Security - Local food initiatives flourish, a connected community supports a flourishing and resilient food economy.
How will we achieve a liveable climate?
Renewable energy
All our energy is sourced from renewables.
Action |
Timeframe |
Project Type |
Action 1.1 Construct and operate Solar Farms on closed landfill sites generating 100% renewable power for council operations.
Operational by 2023. |
New infrastructure. Capital investment with 15-20 year payback. |
Action 1.2 Develop a detailed business case for Biomass to Energy technology, to inform a dedicated field trial.
Completed by December 2021. |
One-off study and detailed design. |
Action 1.3 Conduct a field trial of Biomass to Energy technology, to establish its potential as part of Council's future energy portfolio.
Operational by 2023. |
New infrastructure. Capital investment with <5 year payback. |
Action 1.4 Explore new opportunities, such as Power Purchase Agreements, to source affordable renewable energy from outside Yarra Ranges for Council operations from outside Yarra Ranges, where appropriate.
Immediate and ongoing consideration.
New procurement option, in partnership with other Councils. |
Action 1.5 Continue to manage and extend the portfolio of Solar PV and energy storage systems across Council sites, to provide reliable, cost-effective renewable energy directly to facilities and services wherever viable.
Continuation of currently work, to 2030.
New infrastructure. Capital invest with 10-15 year payback. |
Zero emission fleet
Our vehicles and equipment are zero emission.
Action |
Timeframe |
Project Type |
Action 2.1 Develop a Zero Emissions Fleet, Plant and Equipment plan in 2021, to guide the transition to zero emission technology by 2030.
Completed by December 2021. |
One-off plan. |
Action 2.2 Transform Council's entire fleet to zero emissions technology, such as electric vehicles.
As available, complete by 2030.
Gradual change-over as individual assets are replaced. |
Action 2.3 Replace all Council plant and equipment with viable zero emissions alternatives.
As available, complete by 2030. |
Gradual change-over as individual assets are replaced. |
Resilient buildings
Our buildings are energy efficient and resilient in a changing climate.
Action |
Timeframe |
Project Type |
Action 3.1 Administer a dedicated Climate Action Fund to upgrade facilities and equipment - improving energy and water efficiency, and continuing to shift to renewable resources. |
Annual fund. |
Investment in capital projects to improve efficiency gains. |
Action 3.2 Develop a Resilient Buildings Study, ensuring Council facilities are increasingly resilient to the impacts of climate change. |
Completed by June 2022. |
One-off study, in partnership with Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action. |
Action 3.3 Review building maintenance and renewal program to ensure resource efficiency measures are delivered via everyday maintenance. |
Annually from 2021. |
Annual review of works program. |
Sustainable design
All our assets are designed, built and managed using a sustainable lifecycle approach.
Action |
Timeframe |
Project Type |
Action 4.1 Embed climate risk assessment and adaptation measures throughout Asset Management Planning. |
Ongoing from 2021. |
Continuous improvement process. |
Action 4.2 Prepare for changes in rainfall by updating Council’s Stormwater and Flood Modelling, consistent with the current Australian Standard for Rainfall and Runoff (e.g. ARR2019) and inclusive of 100 years of forecast climate modelling. |
Updated by 2022, then ongoing. |
Continuous improvement, in partnership with Melbourne Water. |
Action 4.3 Improve Digital Utility Management by monitoring energy and water (collection & usage) across Council sites, through data capture, smart technology and accurate reporting. |
Established by 2021, then ongoing. |
Continuous improvement, as part of Council's Digital Transformation. |
Action 4.4 Establish an ESD Assessment Service to support Council’s capital works program, ensuring ESD outcomes are achieved in building and infrastructure projects. |
Established by 2021, then ongoing. |
New service, within existing resources. |
Climate thinking
We consider climate in all our strategies, policies, programs and services
Action |
Timeframe |
Project type |
Action 5.1 Update Council’s key Policies and Strategies to promote the economic, social and environmental sustainability, to mitigate and planning for climate change risks, including:
- Health and Wellbeing Plan
- Organisational Risk Register
- Community Waste Management Plan
- Environmentally Sustainable Development Policy
- Procurement Policy
- Integrated Water Management Plan
All updated by 2022. |
Continuous improvement, via regular policy development cycle. |
Action 5.2 Provide planning applicants with an Ecologically Sensitive Design Advisory Service to ensure our current and future communities are supported by resilient and affordable building stock. |
Established by 2021, then ongoing.
Staff resource dedicated to supporting planning applications. |
Action 5.3 Identify and address climate risks and opportunities throughout the organisation; including in the Council Plan, and Business Plans of individual teams. |
All updated by 2022. |
Continuous improvement via Council planning and reporting processes. |
Action 5.4 Continue to partner across the region and government sector, to deliver on climate change initiatives through a collaborative approach; e.g. Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA), Cities Power Partnership, Sustainability Victoria’s TAKE2 program. |
Continuation of current work to 2030. |
Build on existing partnership and collaboration. |
Action 5.5 Advocate to State and Federal government for action on climate change that benefits our local community, including local businesses and the agricultural sector. |
Continuation of current work to 2030. |
Partnerships and Advocacy.
Living landscapes
Our townships and suburbs are leafy green oases
Action |
Timeframe |
Project type |
Action 6.1 Develop and implement a Tree Strategy to substantially increase canopy cover across urban areas (commercial, industrial and residential), and key activity areas of the municipality. |
Endorsed by 2021, implemented to 2030.
Council policy development.
Action 6.2 Develop and implement Urban Design Guidelines to ensure Council placemaking improves the amenity, walkability and climate resilience of townships, while reducing environmental impacts of new works e.g. through selection of materials with high recycled content, low embodied emissions, etc.
Endorsed by 2022, implemented to 2030. |
Council policy development. |
Action 6.3 Collaborate within Council and with the community, fostering effective environmental stewardship to protect existing vegetation from land use changes and the impacts of a changing climate. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030 |
Collaboration within Council and with the community.
Action 6.4 Work with government and community partners to apply Integrated Water Management across the municipality. Retain water in the landscape to improve water security and protect against drought, bushfire, heat, rising costs etc. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Collaboration with agencies.
Thriving Yarra Ranges
Local community, business and industry are climate-ready and energised
Action |
Timeframe |
Project type |
Action 7.1 Work with townships to develop tailored Community Resilience Plans, ensuring they can thrive in the face of the various shocks and stresses resulting from a changing climate. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Continuous improvement and extension of existing programs. |
Action 7.2 Develop and coordinate a comprehensive Sustainable Business Program to actively support the transition to a vibrant, zerocarbon and circular economy. |
Program launched by 2022, then ongoing. |
Support program for businesses and the local economy. |
Action 7.3 Update Council’s Community Grants Program to specifically encourage activities that support climate adaptation and/or emission reduction. |
Updated by 2021, then ongoing. |
Continuous improvement of existing programs. |
Action 7.4 Work with local growers, peak bodies and land managers to promote Resilient Land Management and regenerative agriculture practices. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Support for the agricultural sector. |
Action 7.5 Conduct a Public Land Capability Assessment across the municipality to inform climate-ready place planning, adaptive management of public open space, and innovative partnerships with local communities. |
Completed by 2023. |
One-off study. |
Action 7.6 Continue to coordinate an inter-agency and regional partnership approach to facilitate Regional Resilience Projects and ensure the local economy is able to adapt and take advantage of emerging opportunities, such as recycled water for agriculture. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Collaboration and partnerships. |
Adapting together
No one in Yarra Ranges is left behind in the shift to our low carbon future
Action |
Timeframe |
Project type |
Action 8.1 Establish a Resilient Communities Program to help local communities overcome barriers to investing in climate resilience measures, including energy efficiency, water harvesting, renewables and energy storage. |
Program launched by 2022, then ongoing. |
Annual program. |
Action 8.2 Provide ongoing Practical Support Programs for residents, groups and businesses, that help to overcome barriers to participation in the transition to low carbon future. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Continuous improvement and extension of existing programs. |
Sustainable transport
Fully integrated throughout the region to ensure equitable access is the norm
Action |
Timeframe |
Project type |
Action 9.1 Ensure local townships and neighbourhoods are connected by a network of paths and trails that make walking and cycling the appealing, easy and obvious everyday option. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Projects delivered under Integrated Transport Strategy.
Action 9.2 Advocate to State and Federal government for effective and efficient public transport infrastructure and services throughout Yarra Ranges. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Alignment with Council Policy. |
Action 9.3 Facilitate the uptake of Electric Vehicles throughout the region through partnerships, advocacy and strategic support. |
Continuation of current work, to 2030. |
Partnerships and Advocacy. |
Food security
Local food initiatives take root and flourish
Action |
Timeframe |
Project type |
Action 10.1 Deliver Food Security Programs that enable Yarra Ranges to flourish as a food bowl for local communities and the region. Collaborate with commercial growers, visitors, service providers and home gardeners to promote food security, community resilience, quality nutrition, composting and social cohesion.
New programs launched by 2023, then ongoing. |
New programs. |
Action 10.2 Partner with local industry to avoid, minimise and compost food waste by Fostering Local Food Networks, creating and/or enhancing existing farmers markets, food banks and innovative local composting options. |
New programs launched by 2023, then ongoing. |
New programs. |
Action 10.3 Secure and promote Yarra Ranges as a Food Bowl for Melbourne by developing and adminstering appropriate Planning Controls. |
New measures identified and in place by 2025. |
Continuous improvement.
This draft plan is a refresh of an existing climate plan, and has been developed with feedback from Councillors, reference groups and the community.
While waste and recycling is a key part of how we manage our environmental impact, community waste management is being managed separately, following the State Government’s announcement about recycling services.
Before we finalise the plan, we want community members to have a read and let us know what they think.
We can’t always include everyone’s feedback in the final plan, but we’ll look over all submissions and use them, and expert opinion, to make the final document.
For more information about the Liveable Climate Plan, contact our Sustainability Team.
1300 368 333