The great outdoors


The Still Life logo on an orange background


Cows at Coranderrk Reserve – a video by Skye Beazley

'Prior to a filming of Brooke and Dave Wandin doing an open to country for an online event of National Reconciliation Week event called Our Country, Our Future. Filmed these cows on the Coranderrk Reserve.'


Walking to Healesville – a video by Mim Kocher

'At the beginning of our isolation due to COVID-19, the gym I attended put out a challenge: “who could walk or run the furthest in the month of April, 2020?” I entered and began my daily walks. My walks became longer and I began to feel fitter. I didn’t win the competition but I didn’t care. I also discovered a new app that made it easy to make this little video. Spot the Healesville landmarks I pass.' – Mim Kocher


Our families’ tribute with a Dawn Service – a video by Robyn Welten

'Lest we forget. Unable to follow tradition of attending our local Dawn Service, communities united in their driveways, with a candle and a radio, and attended a virtual Dawn Service.' – Robyn Welten