LOCK IN 2020
Today I’ve been out shopping, now that has to be a plus,
For weeks we’ve been restricted, because of Corona Virus,.
Of course there’re rules that we must follow, we have to shop alone,
Dan Andrews has told us definitely, only one can leave the home.
Whilst walking up one shopping aisle, with face ensconced in mask,
I said hello to a friend, she replied “ Should I know you”? She did ask.
Our faces are all covered, our hair has now grown long,
When we see an acquaintance, we simply all look wrong.
Well, most of us are trying, we are really doing our best,
If we get a sniffle, a runny nose, We rush for a COVID test
Our days are oh so different, there is plenty we could do,
There is cleaning out of cupboards, washing floors and the loo,
BUT...what I miss the most, I really have to say,
Is seeing a friend, give a hug, and able to say giddaye....
Helen Eddy