Building on the success of last year's "Girls Day Out," hosted by Montrose Football Netball Club Senior Women's Team, this year's event is set to be even bigger. In a Montrose first, We are bringing together all our junior girls and women's teams within the club to foster unity, inclusion, support, and program growth by playing all our matches for the round at home on the main oval. We will also be raising funds and awareness for Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation throughout the day.
We will have Market stalls, Netball showcases, All abilities clinics, Women's and Girls Football matches, Special morning tea, Womens Guest speakers and sports stars
Check out our facebook event for full details
Montrose Football Netball Club, Montrose Recreation Reserve, Montrose, 3765, View Map
Montrose Recreation Reserve , Montrose 3765
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.