This film is a long-awaited sequel to 2004 Danish hit film Kings Game. It is a political thriller and is an adaption of Neils Krause-Kjaer best selling novel, Morkeland. The central character is Ulrik Torp who was once an aspiring young journalist. Now years have passed, and after a period of unemployment and midlife crisis, Torp finds himself interning at his former workplace, Dagbladet.
When his old colleague and now editor-in-chief, Henrick Moll asks Torp to cover a murder of a young clerk at the Ministry of the Interior, Torp must navigate a new media reality controlled by click-bait and the echo chambers of social media. The very future of Danish democracy is in peril.
Directed and Scripted: Mikkel Serup
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Country of Production: Demark
Rating: NA
Year: 2024
Length: 97 mins
Cast: Anders W. Berthelsen, Sara Fanta Traore, Mohamed Djeziri