Visitor Paid Parking Pilot project in Warburton starts from 3 May 2025. You can apply online or visit Council's Community Links from 17 March 2025 for your residents' permit.
Waste charges cover the cost of waste services across the whole community and include kerbside collection of green waste and FOGO (food & garden organics), recycling and general rubbish, hard waste and bundled branches collections*, minor landfill maintenance, waste education, street and park litter bins and administration.
Your charge also includes the State Government Landfill Levy, which council must pay when waste is disposed in landfill. Waste charges are not subject to rate capping and are based on full cost recovery.
Residential waste charges
The waste service charge on your rates notice includes:
240L FOGO bin 240L Recycling bin 120L Rubbish bin
240L FOGO bin 240L Recycling bin 80L Rubbish bin
240L FOGO bin 120L Recycling bin 120L Rubbish bin
240L FOGO bin 120L Recycling bin 80L Rubbish bin
120L FOGO bin 240L Recycling bin 120L Rubbish bin
120L FOGO bin 240L Recycling bin 80L Rubbish bin
120L FOGO bin 120L Recycling bin 120L Rubbish bin
120L FOGO bin 120L Recycling bin 80L Rubbish bin
Charges for individual additional bins reflect the cost of the provision of the bin and the full year collection service of that bin. All residential and non-residential customers may have one or more of these bins in addition to the base package (each package consisting of a recycling bin, a FOGO bin and a rubbish bin).
Yarra Ranges Council offers an optional waste collection service to non-residential customers. Non-residential customers include businesses, schools, religious organisations and other non-residential organisations. Non-residential waste service customers are not eligible for hard waste and bundled branches collections.
Bin collection frequencies are:
The minimum waste charge covers the waste services for all the community and includes collection, disposal and maintenance of street and park litter bins, illegally dumped rubbish, minor landfill management, hard waste and bundled branches collections, waste education and administration. It does not include kerbside bin collections. The minimum waste charge for 2024-2025 is $112.
*Non-residential properties such as businesses, schools and churches are not eligible for hard waste and bundled branches collections.
There has been an increase in the Waste Levy (formerly called the landfill levy) charged by the State Governments Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for each tonne of rubbish disposed at licensed landfills. This levy has increased by $66.16 since 2020, and is $132.76 per tonne for the 2024-25 financial year. This increase is not within Council’s control and is separate to the general rates cap. It has resulted in an increase to Council’s Waste Management Charge.
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.