An Extreme Fire Danger Rating has been forecast for Yarra Ranges on Saturday, 22 February 2025. As a result, Warburton Water World, Olinda Outdoor Pool, Arts Centre Warburton, Belgrave South Progress Hall, Karwarra Gardens, and Birdsland Reserve will be closed for the safety of our community.Stay informed by visiting the Vic Emergency and CFA website for latest warnings and updates.
You must be the property owner to request a brand new or additional waste service.
Charges apply for additional services. View current charges.
Complete the 'Request a new or additional bin' form if you would like an additional waste services to your properties rates (charges apply).
You'll need to provide you contact details and property address.
Request a new or additional bin
You will receive an email confirmation. Our Customer Experience team will contact you if further information is needed.
Your bin/s will be delivered by our contractors within 1-3 business days.
Call our Customer Experience team on 1300 368 333 and provide your contact details and property address.
Please note: During the roll out of the new waste services there may be some delays. New FOGO bins delivered after July 2023 won't be changed to a different size until after October.
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Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.