Visitor Paid Parking Pilot project in Warburton starts from 3 May 2025. You can apply online or visit Council's Community Links from 17 March 2025 for your residents' permit.
Tips and advice on removing Agapanthus
Tips and advice on removing Angled Onion.
Tips and advice on removing Arum Lily
Tips and advice on removing Blue Periwinkle.
Tips and advice on removing Bridal Creeper
Tips and advice for removing Bulbil Watsonia.
Tips and advice on removing Desert Ash.
Tips and advice on removing English Broom.
Tips and advice for removing English Ivy.
Tips and advice on removing Hawthorn.
Tips and advice on removing Holly.
Tips and advice for removing Honeysuckle.
Tips and advice on removing Montbretia.
Tips and advice on removing Montpellier Broom
Tips and advice on removing Peruvian Lily.
Tips and advice on removing Radiata Pine.
Tips and advice on removing Red Cestrum
Tips and advice on removing Spanish Heath
Tips and advice on removing Sweet Pittosporum
Tips and advice on removing Sycamore Maple
Tips and advice on removing Wandering Trad.
Tips and advice on removing Wild Tobacco Tree
Tips and advice on removing Willow
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.