Our Community Links will be closing at 12noon on Tuesday, 24 December 2024. Lilydale Community Link will remain open throughout the Christmas and New Year period except for on public holidays. Healesville, Monbulk, Yarra Junction and Upwey links will reopen on Monday, 6 January 2025.
Platypus are only native to Eastern Australia and Tasmania and are found in the waterways of the Yarra Ranges. Research is showing that the Platypus is in decline and the Communities for Platypus works with the community to raise awareness for the Platypus and keeping our waterways clean. Artworks have been created to raise awareness of Platypus in the waterways. This includes murals at Belgrave and Warburton and sculptured rocks in Healesville.
Some of the common threats to the Platypus:
Some of the ways in which you can help the Platypus:
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.