Yarra Ranges Emergency Relief Network

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The Yarra Ranges Emergency Relief Network (YRERN) is a collaborative network of Yarra Ranges-based groups and organisations dedicated to providing emergency relief and support to the Yarra Ranges community.

Established in 2010 to help coordinate efforts across numerous local groups, YRERN initially focused on bolstering food support. Since then, it has expanded its scope to enhance community resilience to natural disasters and other emergencies.

YRERN includes over 70 different groups, ranging from small community-based teams (2-5 people) to large not-for-profits with boards, paid staff, and more complex structures. YRERN agencies offer diverse support to local communities, including:

  • Food and material relief
  • Support and referral
  • Social connection

Affiliated organisations include:

  • Mental health services
  • Legal assistance through ECLC Support for victims of family violence 
  • Support for people in insecure housing

Find out what emergency relief organisations are near you.

Funding and Support

YRERN received funding through the Federal Government’s Preparing Australian Communities (PAC) Grant to employ a part-time project coordinator to strengthen the capacity of the network.

Since July 2023, the project coordinator has worked in partnership with member agencies, consultants, and Council to develop Terms of Reference, a Purpose Statement, and a logo for the Network.

YRERN Purpose Statement: YRERN enables service organisations and community groups to strengthen connections, share resources, and better support people in need.

Since early 2024, the Network has continued to deliver on its purpose by:
Strengthening connections: The Network holds quarterly online Gatherings where members share challenges and resources on topics such as volunteering, grants, and heat preparedness.
Sharing resources: Member organisations have access to a shared drive of resources that complement and strengthen collaboration at the Network’s quarterly gatherings.
Advocating: YRERN prepared a submission to the parliamentary inquiry into food security in Victoria on behalf of all member agencies. This is an example of a shared advocacy effort made possible through Resilient Yarra Ranges, funded through the Preparing Australian Communities fund.

YRERN is an agency-run network, supported by Yarra Ranges Council, and is open to all interested community organisations.
For more information, contact the Project Coordinator at yarrarangesern@gmail.com

Learn More

Watch the video below, produced during covid, but still relevant today, for more information about the YRERN.