Dust Suppressant


Residents that live on unsealed roads will be subject to dust over the summer period. This is part of living on a road that is heavily affected by environmental conditions.

Research has found that drivers can reduce dust levels by almost 50 per cent. They can do this by slowing down from 50 to 35km per hour. Driving at lower speeds reduces dust and helps to protect the road surface. Avoiding hard braking, accelerating and cornering will also minimise dust, damage and corrugations.

Council provides a dust suppressant program. This program has a limited budget and can only provide dust suppressant to approximately 30% of our unsealed road network. This program is scheduled for efficiency with the grading program. It's important to note it’s not possible to dust suppress all areas at the same time. The program begins in the Northern areas in late November through to December. Southern areas will begin in January until completed.

View What roads do we treat?(PDF, 587KB) for a list of treated roads, including the expected month to be treated. Our schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions and plant dependency. These influencing factors may either delay or, where permitting bring it forward. The intention is to complete the program as soon as possible.

We use an Australian made dust suppressant solution. This acts as a stabiliser to bind the road surface to minimise dust for a limited period.

The product is applied during the maintenance grade as part of the full unsealed road network maintenance program. We have optimised the program for efficiency and to ensure we deliver and remain on schedule. Because of this we cannot change the program to meet individual needs.

Grader-1.jpg Watercart-1.jpg


How long does dust suppressant last?

We use dust suppressant to minimise the generation of dust from the unsealed road. This is only effective for a limited time. Vehicles lowering speeds and driving to road conditions can also help assist with minimising dust.

No product can remove dust completely or for extended periods.

Estimates show dust suppressant to be effective for a period of 6-8 weeks. The product effectiveness is dependent on weather, traffic volumes and other road conditions.

The dust suppressant product can only be applied once.

As Council is not responsible for any conditions outside of their control, we offer no guarantee regarding the success of the dust suppressant treatment or are expected to respray the product. 

How is dust suppressant applied to the road?

The dust suppressant application follows the grading program annually during the summer season.

The product is applied soon after grading and sprayed directly onto the road surface.

Northern area of the Yarra Ranges will begin in November to December. Southern areas of the Yarra Ranges will start in January. Please note that this schedule is subject weather conditions and availability of equipment.

View the What roads do we treat?(PDF, 587KB) section to see the current schedule for the dust suppressant application.

Other dust suppressant benefits include:
  • Reduction of particles becoming air borne (note: no product will eliminate dust entirely and product is effective for a limited time)
  • Resistance to traffic wear and retention in pavement
  • Resistance to ageing and biodegradable
  • Easily applied with common road maintenance equipment 
  • Workable and responsive to maintenance


What roads do we treat? 

Council cannot suppress the entire unsealed road network due to budget constraints. We dust suppress approximately 220kms of unsealed roads which is a part of the 700kms plus network of unsealed roads.

We select roads for treatment based on criteria such as:
  • to assist with the stabilisation and maintenance of the road surface
  • suitability of the road for treatment
  • proximity to schools, hospitals, retirement villages etc.
  • number of properties and their proximity to the edge of the road
  • traffic volumes and traffic speed
  • specific agribusiness requirements

Please note that even when a roads meet all these requirements it does not ensure it will be included within the program.

The number of roads treated on Councils funded program is subject to budget requirements. The program is currently full. We cannot add additional roads that are not listed on the program.

In recognition of this, Council offers a resident funded program where residents can pay for additional roads to be treated.

Only one treatment is applied per year for the roads listed.


Resident Funded Dust Suppressant 

Applications for the 2024/25 Resident Funded Dust Suppressant are now open.

Please note: Council will not treat privately owned roads, private properties, unmaintained road reserves, driveway accesses, carriageway easements or unmaintained laneways. 

  • Residents can apply and pay to have dust suppressant applied to their road if the road is listed on Councils Road Register for maintenance and not on Council's dust suppressant list(PDF, 587KB).

  • Applications and payment for the 2024/25 program is now open and will close late 11:59pm Friday 1 November 2024. Late applications are not accepted.

  • The minimum length you may apply for is 100m and in increments of 50m

  • The dust suppressant product is estimated to be effective for a period of 6-8 weeks, this is dependent on weather, traffic volume and other road conditions. Due to these factors, no guarantee is provided by Council regarding the success of the dust suppressant treatment.

  • Dust suppressant can only be applied once, and no refunds are available.   

  • All efforts will be made to dust suppress the resident funded roads by the end of December, weather and plant dependent.

Apply for Resident Funded Dust Suppressant