Clause 63.05
Construct a building or construct or carry out works associated with an existing section 2 or 3 use.
Clause 3602-2 (PPRZ)
Construct a building or construct or carry out works.
Clause 44.03-1 (HO163)
Demolish or remove a building.
Clause 44.03-1 (HO163)
Construct a building or construct or carry out works.
Clause 44.03-1 (HO163)
Remove, destroy or lop a tree.
Clause 52.29-2
Create or alter access to a road in a Transport Zone 2 (exempt from notice and objection)
Clause 4406-2 (BMO)
Construct a building or construct or carry out works (exempt from notice and objection)
Clause 51.17-1
Remove, destroy or lop native vegetation, including dead native vegetation.