Our Community Links will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday. All Community Links will reopen as normal on Tuesday, 28 January at their usual opening times.If you have an emergency, you can still give us a call on 1300 368 333.
Burkes Lookout is a popular spot and services the Kyeema track, and memorial now situated along the ngurrak barring | track.
During the development of the project Masterplan, a number of existing carparks were identified for upgrade. Many of these, including the Burkes Lookout carpark, had limited capacity due to the absence of line marked spaces and consequent inefficient use of space.
The carpark will be constructed within the existing footprint. No trees will be removed as part of this project and all native vegetation will be carefully protected during works.
The project will provide a much-needed boost for parking in the Hills, creating approximately 21 parking spots. The new carpark will more than double the existing parking capacity.
The team are working towards a carpark upgrade at Burkes Lookout in the coming months. Burkes Lookout is a popular spot, and the carpark also services the Kyeema track, and memorial now situated along the ngurrak barring trail.
This upgrade aims to:
Carpark-Construction-Burkes-Lookout-Mount-Dandenong.pdf(PDF, 733KB)
Should you have any enquiries please reach out to the ngurrak barring | Ridgewalk team at mail@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
Osprey Road, Mt Dandenong 3767 View Map
Osprey Road , Mt Dandenong 3767
To stay up to date with the ngurrak barring project follow the Shaping Yarra Ranges page.
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