Shaping Yarra Ranges Working together to help shape Yarra Ranges. Share your feedback and ideas on current projects, initiatives, policies and strategies open for consultation.
Rates Find out how rates are calculated, how your property is valued and where you can pay your rates. Notify us of a change of postal address. Request a Land Information Certificate.
Careers at Yarra Ranges Are you interested in working with us? Find out more about working with Yarra Ranges Council, view employee benefits and current opportunities.
Councillors & executive team Find out more about your ward Councillor, our executive team, our vision and principles.
Council meetings View the upcoming council meeting schedule, meeting agendas and minutes. Information on how to submit a question, submission or petition to Council for consideration.
Corporate documents View our key corporate documents including the annual report, long term financial plan, Council plan, budget and capital expenditure. Also includes strategies, policies, local laws and documents for inspection.
Advocacy Advocacy to other levels of government is key to Council's ability to attract resources and funding for local services and programs and deliver on the needs and aspirations of the community.
About the region Yarra Ranges is one of Victoria’s largest, most varied municipality. Find information about our people, environment, economy and heritage.
Advisory Groups Council's Advisory Committees play a vital role in providing community insights, sharing lived experience and offering ongoing feedback on the work of Council. Learn more about our groups.
Your Yarra Ranges Your Yarra Ranges is Council's regular print newsletter, available to community members at Community Links and other Council venues. A regular email newsletter is also available.
Storm Emergency Information Visit our new website for all information relating to the storms and recovery.
Community Vision 2036 Outlines the vision for the future of the municipality and how we would like Council to be in 2036. It is based on the ideas of more than 1,000 community members, captured in late 2016. This vision was checked with our Community Panel and the broader community again in 2021. The revised Community Vision 2036 now reflects the community’s future aspirations for the municipality.