Due to the public holiday, our community links will be closed on Monday, 10 March 2025.If you need to get in touch with Council, call 1300 368 333.
Your Yarra Ranges is Council's print newsletter, produced to showcase projects, grant recipients, and keep the community informed about Council's activities across our 55 townships.
The print newsletter is available at Council's Community Links and other community venues (such as pools and aquatic facilities in Yarra Ranges), subject to availability and release schedules.
The Summer 2024 edition of Your Yarra Ranges is now available at Council Community Links
Copies of Yarra Ranges Local are mailed to community houses, libraries, aquatic centres, schools and preschools throughout the region.
You can also pick up a copy at your local Community Link or Council's Cultural Venues.
Council also produces a fortnightly e-newsletter, where the latest news and information about Council services is delivered straight to your inbox.
Sign up for Yarra Ranges eLocal
View previous newsletters
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.