Complete a Medical Needs Waste Service Application Find out if your eligible and complete a Medical Needs Waste Service application.
Register your pet Register your pets online. All dogs and cats must be microchipped and registered with council by the age of three months.
Report a damaged bin If your bin is damaged, let us know so we can repair or replace it. Please be advised that the 80L rubbish bins shape has changed and as a result is shorter in height.
Report a missed Rubbish, Recycling or Organics collection Report a missed rubbish, recycling or FOGO collection or report a missed hard waste or bundled branches collection.
Report a road issue Report an issue with a road including road damage, maintenance requests, speed issues and more.
Report a tree issue on public land Report an issue with a tree on a roadside, reserve or on council land. Includes fallen trees, broken branches, leaning trees and trees with cracks through the trunk.
Report an issue with a playspace Report damaged or missing playspace equipment and a range of other playspace issues online.
Report graffiti Report graffiti or vandalism on council property, including buildings, signs, bus stops, park and reserves, roads, public toilets and playgrounds.
Request a street tree If a street tree has died or has been removed, let us know and we will replace it in Autumn.
Request compensation from council If you want to seek compensation without enacting your insurer and you have an injury, loss, or damage you believe was due to negligent actions by Yarra Ranges Council, please see this page for more information.
Update your details Update your contact details, mailing address, pet microchip or animal ownership details. All dogs and cats must be registered with Council by the age of three months.