Draft Disability Action Plan open for feedback
Published on 06 March 2025
The proposed DAP outlines Council’s approach to meeting legislative requirements, ensuring Council works towards a common vision, advancing disability inclusion across all aspects of Council.
The community is now invited to share your thoughts on the Draft Disability Action Plan over the coming four weeks. This second phase of engagement with the community, will run over 4 weeks and began on 6 March and will conclude on 6 April 2025.
There are three ways to get involved:
There are three ways to get involved:
- Come and chat to us. We will be promoting this project and having conversations with communities via a community engagement roadshow. You can find us at these locations: Community Engagement Roadshow
Additionally, Council will engage with stakeholders and the Disability Advisory Committee and promote the opportunity through e-newsletters, radio, social media, and in-person interviews upon request.
Come chat with us
Celebrate Mooroolbark
Sunday 16 March 9am-3pm
Kallista Centenary Celebrations
Saturday 29 March 2pm-8pm
Cire Community Market, Chirnside Park
Sunday 30 March 9am-2pm
Healesville Homegrown Food Fair
Sunday 6 April 11am – 2pm
For the most up to date details, please visit Shaping Yarra Ranges.
The Victorian Disability Act 2006 recognises the key role of councils in improving fair access and participation of people with disability in their municipality. The Act requires every council in Victoria to prepare a Disability Action Plan every four years. At Yarra Ranges Council we call ours the Disability Action Plan, or DAP.
The DAP identifies the actions Council will take to advance disability inclusion over the next four years while setting four longer term goals. The plan is broken down to specific action plans under each long-term goal that will ensure incremental change can be monitored and achieved, while working towards aspirational goals.
The four goals are:
Goal 1: Information and communication from Council is accessible to everyone in our community and supports fair participation and inclusion in community life.
Goal 2: Council buildings and infrastructure are accessible to everyone in our community.
Goal 3: Yarra Ranges is an inclusive community where everyone can participate equally.
Goal 4: Council’s commitment to access, fairness, and inclusion is demonstrated in all aspects of the business.
Council will review the DAP annually and amend the plan if appropriate. Reporting against the Plan and the achievements of the Disability Advisory Committee is conducted annually.
Now is the time to have your say, f Council representatives will be available at events up until Sunday 6 April and encourage you to attend and give your feedback.
Council will review all feedback and amend the draft DAP prior to Council finalising the Plan and presenting it to Council for endorsement later this year.