Visitor Paid Parking Pilot project in Warburton starts from 3 May 2025. You can apply online or visit Council's Community Links from 17 March 2025 for your residents' permit.
Outdoor public spaces are great places to present art and heritage activities. Cultural events and public art help enhance spaces by making them vibrant and interactive places for our community.
We support arts and heritage activities in public spaces, however before you start there are a few things to consider.
Read the information sheet to get an understanding of what working in the public domain may involve.
Share your idea with others in the local area to establish if there is support. If so, record the nature of that support. Continue to communicate as the project progresses.
Decide the basic structure of your project, and how you intend to fund it.
Discuss your project with a Art in Public Places Officer at Council. Continue to communicate as the project progresses. Get in contact with Council's Public Art Officer via email.
Register your project with Council so we can assist you through any planning and permit requirements.
Proceed through your planning, obtaining the necessary permissions.
Deliver your project and celebrate.
Make sure you let us know before you start your project so we can provide the best support.
Register your project now
Stay up to date with all relevant information by visiting our webpage.