Mental health support

Immediate Crisis Support

Life threatening crisis situations

For life threatening emergencies, please contact:

  • Triple Zero (000)

The nearest Emergency Departments to the Yarra Ranges are at Maroondah Hospital in East Ringwood and Eastern Health Angliss in Upper Ferntree Gully. 

Non-life threatening crisis situations

The nearest Urgent Care Clinics to the Yarra Ranges are: 

For emergency support during non-life threatening crisis situations, you can contact:


Eastern Health – Mental Health Triage

Mental Health Triage (or Psychiatric Triage Service) provides advice, initial screening and assessment (24/7) to help connect people with the appropriate psychiatric care they need.

1300 721 927



Nurse on Call

Nurse on call is a free 24/7 service that puts you in contact with a registered nurse to address any health-related concerns and questions. 

1300 60 60 24




Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention through phone, webchat, and SMS services for Australians in distress.

13 11 14



Suicide Callback Service

Free nationwide service offering 24/7 phone and online services to people affected by suicide.

1300 659 467




Navigating the Mental Health System

Service Directories

Service directories help connect you or a loved one to local mental health and related supports. These directories include detailed lists of services such as housing, counselling, food relief, and community programs.


Not Sure Where to Start?

Navigating mental health services can be overwhelming, with many options in both public and private sectors.

For guidance and to learn more about available resources, visit the Better Health Channel or The First Stop websites. 



General Mental Health Supports

Generalised support services for people in the Yarra Ranges and surrounding areas facing mental health challenges

Anglicare Victoria


Anglicare Victoria

Anglicare Victoria provides a broad range of mental health and wellbeing services, including counselling, family and parenting support, alcohol and drug programs, family violence support, community programs, and emergency relief.

T: 1800 809 722

Anglicare Victoria website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale





EACH provides an integrated range of mental health and wellbeing services including counselling, child, youth and family support, health and wellness, mental health, NDIS, housing, and support for older adults.

T: 1300 003 224

EACH website

Locations in the Yarra Ranges include: Yarra Junction, Lilydale, Healesville



Eastern Health


Eastern Health 

Eastern Health offers a comprehensive range of mental health services for children, youth, adults, and older adults, using a recovery-focused approach that involves health professionals, lived experience workers, and specialised programs.

T: 1300 130 381

Eastern Health website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Healesville, Lilydale





Inspiro Community Health offers a range of mental health services including general counselling, youth and family counselling, and support for alcohol and drug issues, with an emphasis on accessible, community-based care.

T: (03) 9738 8801

Inspiro Website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale, Healesville and Belgrave 


Mental Health and Wellbeing Local


Mental Health and Wellbeing Local 

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Local offers free, participant-led support, including walk-in, outreach, and telehealth services for people aged 26 and over, addressing both mental health and substance use concerns. This service is provided in partnership with Wellways, Eastern Health, Inspiro Health, and Oonah Health.

T: 1300 000 252

Wellways website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale (and satellite sites in Yarra Junction, Belgrave) 


Neami National

Neami National 

Neami National Psychosocial Support Service is a community-based team that offers one-on one coaching and group activities to support people aged over 16 years old experiencing mental health challenges, who are not eligible for the NDIS.

T: 1300 168 911

Neami National website



North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect


North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect

North East Metro Connect is a welcoming space offering a variety of support services for families, carers, and supporters of those dealing with mental health or substance use issues, including individual peer support, family therapy, educational sessions, and practical health and wellbeing resources.

T: (03) 8850 4150

North East Metro Connect website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale



Specialised Services

Tailored support services for specific community groups in the Yarra Ranges who require a personalised approach to mental health care.

Child and Youth Support


headspace Lilydale

headspace Lilydale offers young people aged 12-25 a welcoming environment where they can access confidential and free mental health support, health advice, and general information. Services can be delivered in person or online to young people and their family and friends.

T: 03 9735 7900

Headspace website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale



Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline provides free, 24/7 confidential counselling and support services for young people aged 5 to 25, available via phone, webchat, and email.

T: 1800 55 1800

Kids Helpline website



ReachOut for Young People 

ReachOut for Young People offers free online mental health resources and PeerChat, a text-based service where peer workers with lived experience provide support to help young people navigate challenges and improve their wellbeing

ReachOut website


Parent and Carer Support


Family Relationship Centre

The Family Relationship Centre (FRC) supports families through separation and helps parents focus on the best interest of their children and provides family dispute resolution and counselling.

T: 1300 00 3224

EACH website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Healesville, Yarra Junction



ReachOut Parents 

ReachOut Parents offers free, evidence-based online resources, tools, and one-on-one support to help parents and carers of 12-18 year-olds, focusing on improving communication, relationships, and mental health understanding within families.

ReachOut Parents website



Parents Beyond Breakup (PBB) 

Parents Beyond Breakup (PBB) provides support for parents experiencing trauma related to family breakdown, offering peer support groups, helplines, and resources to help navigate the emotional and mental challenges of separation.

T: 1300 853 437

Parents Beyond Breakup website



PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia)

PANDA provides free, confidential support and counselling for new and expecting parents experiencing perinatal anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, offering phone helplines, resources, and peer support to help navigate the journey of parenthood.

T: 1300 726 306

PANDA website



Family and Domestic Violence Services


Free From Family Violence (FVREE) 

The Family Violence Response and Early Engagement (FVREE) provides support services for individuals and families affected by family violence, offering crisis response, safety planning, and connection to long-term support and resources.

T: 9259 4200

Free From Family Violence website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: via Orange Door sites (Satellite services in Yarra Junction and Belgrave, main site in Croydon)



Orange Door Outer East 

Orange Door provide help for people who are experiencing family violence or who need support with the care and wellbeing of children and young people, such as safety planning, referrals, and case coordination.

T: 1800 271 150

Orange Door website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Satellite services in Yarra Junction and Belgrave (Main site in Croydon)



Safe Steps 

Safe Steps is a 24/7 family violence response service that provides confidential support, crisis accommodation, safety planning, and referrals for women and children experiencing family violence in Victoria.

T: 1800 015 188

Safe Steps website



1800RESPECT is a national helpline providing 24/7 confidential support, information, and counseling for people affected by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, offering assistance via phone, webchat, and online resources.

T: 1800 737 732

1800 RESPECT website


Addiction and Substance Use


Counselling Online

Counselling Online is a free, confidential 24/7 service providing support for individuals affected by alcohol or drug use specifically through online channels like webchat, email, SMS, and community support forums.

Counselling Online website




DirectLine is a 24/7 confidential helpline that provides support, information, and referrals for individuals affected by alcohol and drug use, including counseling, crisis intervention, and connections to treatment services.

T: 1800 888 236

Directline website



Gamblers Help 

Gamblers Help provides free and confidential support services for individuals experiencing gambling-related issues, including financial counselling, support groups, and practical advice.

T: 1300 131 973 

EACH website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Healesville, Yarra Junction



SURe (Substance Use Recovery) 

The SURe (Substance Use Recovery) program provides a holistic, recovery-oriented, family inclusive service for people aged 16 and over with cooccurring substance use, mental health and other concerns. SURe is a partnership between EACH Social & Community Health, Anglicare Victoria, and Youth Support & Advocacy Services (YSAS).

T: 1300 00 7873

EACH website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Yarra Junction


Disability Mental Health Support


Mental Health and the NDIS 

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) provides support for people with psychosocial disabilities related to mental health conditions, offering individualised plans that include access to therapies, community participation, and daily living assistance to help them achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

T: 1800 800 110

NDIS website

You can find more information on disability support services on our website. 


LGBTQIA+ Support


Rainbow Network

The Rainbow Network provides support, resources, and training for professionals and organisations working with LGBTQIA+ young people, aiming to create safer, more inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ communities across Victoria.

T: (03) 9479 1292

Rainbow Network website



Rural Rainbows

Rural Rainbows is a Social Group for LGBTQIA+ or questioning young people aged 12-25 years, who live in the Yarra Ranges. 

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale, Yarra Junction, Healesville

T: (03) 5967 5800

EACH website




QLife is a national service that provides free, confidential, and anonymous peer support and referral for LGBTQIA+ individuals via phone and webchat, available 7 days a week from 3 pm to midnight.

T: 1800 184 527

QLife website




Queerspace is a mental health and wellbeing service that offers counselling, peer support, and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ individuals, couples, and families, with a focus on creating safe and inclusive spaces for people of diverse sexualities, genders, and bodies.

T: (03) 9663 6733 

Queerspace website



First Nations Support



Aboriginal Health Team at Eastern Health 

The Aboriginal Health Team in Healesville provides culturally-based holistic health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families, offering care both on-site and through home visits and outreach across Eastern Health’s catchment area.

T: 03 5957 1100

Eastern Health website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Healesville



Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service (BWAHS) 

BWAHS provides culturally safe support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families affected by family violence in Melbourne's Eastern Metropolitan Region, offering healing programs, counselling, and family support designed to empower individuals and strengthen community wellbeing.

T: (03) 9212 0200

Boorndawan William Aboriginal Healing Service website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Lilydale



Oonah Aboriginal and Community Health Services

Oonah provides a welcoming and culturally affirming range of services and programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Melbourne’s Inner and Outer East, focusing on improving health and wellbeing, empowering the community, and promoting self-determination.

T: 03 5962 2940

Oonah website

Location(s) in the Yarra Ranges include: Healesville




13YARN is a free, confidential, 24/7 crisis support service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, offering culturally safe and understanding support via phone to help those in distress or needing someone to talk to.

T: 13 92 76 

13YARN website