Community Development

Community Development Logo - Grant Stream


The Annual Grants program help community organisations to deliver projects that build more inclusive, healthy and connected communities.

These grants are for not-for-profit organisations to help harness community strengths, opportunities and aspirations. They will help respond to local needs with confidence and creativity.


What is Community Development?

Community development recognises many strengths in communities. It taps into the wisdom and experience of local communities to build resilience.

This grant stream aims to connect with others and build a sense of belonging through grant funded projects.

This includes projects that focus on the participation of diverse groups. Some of these groups include:

  • people living with disability

  • unpaid carers and families

  • people across ages groups/life stages

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people


  • women and girls

  • those experiencing social isolation.


Contact Information

For community development enquiries please contact:

 Community Development Officer (Hills)  Janette Scott


Community Development Officer (Urban)  Santha Press


Community Development Officer (Upper Yarra)


 Michael Goodrich


Community Development Officer (Valley)


Kellie McPherson



For enquiries about disability access and inclusion please contact our Disability Inclusion Officer or call 1300 368 333


Key Priorities and Objectives

The following areas reflect key priorities in our communities.

Some projects may support the ongoing recovery from the pandemic and storms/natural disasters.

Your application should tell us how your project will address one or more of the following priorities.

Health and Wellbeing

Council invites applications that address the priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Plan.

One of the most powerful ways to support good health and wellbeing is through building social connections and a sense of belonging. Almost all grant projects aim to do this in some way.

Council encourages applications that are locally focused, creative and respond to health and wellbeing issues. We invite strength-based projects that tap into local skills, knowledge, and energy to meet needs and take up opportunities to build more connected and vibrant communities.

For example: Yarra Ranges residents can increase social connection through participation in group activities. This can be particularly important for people who may be more vulnerable or isolated.

This category looks to foster connected and healthy communities through projects that:

  • Build and enable mental wellbeing by supporting strong and sustainable social connections.
  • Promote and support physical health.
  • Nurture thriving local communities.
  • Build our food system, increasing access to healthy food and skills to grow and cook food.
  • Build respect and inclusion.
  • Increase participation of people living with disability.
  • Welcome people from all backgrounds.
  • Build disaster resilience by strengthening social connection and networks, and increasing knowledge, skills, and planning for emergencies.
  • Include people from diverse cultural backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and LGBTQIA+ community members.

Find out more by exploring Council’s Health & Wellbeing Strategy.

Applicants applying for projects that focus on Health and Wellbeing must first speak with the Health and Wellbeing team.

Please contact Rachel Giddens from the Health and Wellbeing team via email at or phone one 03 9294 6882


This category supports environmental sustainability.

Priority will be given to applications that address one or more of the following:

  • Nature Conservation: projects that restore, protect and enhance local biodiversity.
  • Environmental Stewardship: initiatives that raise community awareness about environmental issues, fostering conservation and sustainability understanding.
  • Climate Resilience: projects that improve community resilience and adaptation to climate change and extreme weather.
  • Water Resource Management: initiatives that conserve water, improve water quality, and/or protect freshwater ecosystems.
  • Innovative Sustainability: projects that use innovative tech and practices for sustainability, such as waste reduction, energy efficiency and sustainable transport, with clear impact measurement outcomes.

Applications can find out more by exploring Council’s Environmental Strategy.


Projects in this category will strengthen the relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Priority will be given to applications that address one or more of the following:

  • Celebrate and protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage.
  • Break down stereotypes and discrimination.
  • Increase understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, being and doing.
  • Enhance community driven initiatives that contribute to community wellbeing, economic participation, and cultural strengthening.

Applicants applying for projects that focus on Reconciliation must talk with a member of Council’s Indigenous Development team before submitting an application.

Young People

If you are a not-for-profit organisation, you can apply. Your program must support Yarra Ranges young people aged 12 to 25 years.

The need for your program must be identified by young people. This can be done by a co-design process, data, research, or consultations with young people.

Programs that engage young people in the diverse locations of Yarra Ranges will be prioritised. These include Warburton, Healesville, and the small townships across the region.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Promote opportunities for young people to engage in their community, build social connections, and give young people a voice in decision-making.
  • Target culturally diverse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, all ability and LGBTQIA+ community members.
  • Strengthen respectful relationships and focus on building resilience and promoting gender equality.
  • Increase soft skills and pathways to employment for young people.

Applicants must talk with the Youth Development Coordinator Dudu Orman on 03 9294 6134 or prior to applying.

Please Note: Council will not fund camps and overnight camps

Early Years, Middle Years and Families

This category is for innovative projects that enhance the wellbeing and resilience of children and young people 0-14 years, and their families living in the Yarra Ranges.

Priority will be given to applications that address one or more of the following:

  • Children, young people and their families have access to initiatives that are culturally safe and support connection.
  • Design and deliver initiatives with a focus on improving wellbeing outcomes and promoting access to supports for children, young people and their families.
  • Design and provide opportunities for children, young people and families to actively engage in their community and be involved in decision making.

Applicants must talk with the Early or Middle Years officer Loren Hedger prior to applying.

Learn more about Child Safe Standards at Yarra Ranges.

Please Note: Child Safe Standards compliance is essential. Council does not fund overnight camps /activities for children and young people.

Healthy and Active Ageing

The Healthy Ageing category aims to promote innovative activities and initiatives that support individuals aged 50 years and over living in Yarra Ranges.

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • Provide opportunities for people aged 50 years and over to actively engage in their communities of choice.
  • Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, culturally diverse, LGBTIQA+, people living with dementia and all abilities.
  • Address issues of ageism
  • Improve outcomes for individuals experiencing social isolation and loneliness.

Applicants must talk with the Healthy and Active Ageing Officer Caroline Perry via prior to applying.


Selection Criteria

Applications will be assessed against the desired outcomes and priorities for the Community Development stream and following criteria:

Project outcomes - 30%

  • Deliver a high-quality project that meets Council’s identified strategic priorities.

  • Environmental Sustainability – incorporate actions that improve project sustainability and minimise environmental impacts.

Partnership and collaboration - 25%

Where appropriate:

  • Public outcomes demonstrating creative collaborations with community, artists, heritage practitioners and/or other groups.

  • Evidence of how community could engage with the project consultation.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultation and permissions. 

Diversity and Inclusion - 15%

  • Demonstrate consideration of inclusion principles, specifically including culturally and linguistically diverse group, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, gender diversity, and people living with disability. 

Organisational capacity - 15%

  • Demonstrate capacity to deliver the project including experience, people and resources. 

Budget - 15%

  • Include a clear and well documented budget.

  • Be achievable within the proposed budget.

  • Ensure all workers / artists are paid at industry rates.

  • Have funding and/or in-kind support from other sources, where appropriate.


For more information about the Annual Grants Program, please email or call the Grants Team on 1300 368 333.

Annual Grants Guide

This guide provides you with more information on what you need to know to apply for an Annual Grant.

Please read the full guide before preparing for you application. 

Annual Grant Guide


How to apply

Applications for the Annual Grants Program will open on 15 May 2024.


Preparing your grant application

Thing to do to prepare you for your application

  • Speak with a relevant council officer.
  • Allow adequate time to obtain quotes for expenses over $750 and obtain letters of support.
  • Ensure you have appropriate type and level of insurance ($10M Public Liability) for this grant application.
  • Check you have acquitted all completed projects funded by Yarra Ranges Council.
  • Secure an auspice well in advance (for individual/artist or a not-for-profit unincorporated community group).
  • Allow two weeks if you are requiring a quote for use of council's venues and open spaces.
  • Allow plenty of time to complete this application.

Speak with a Council Officer

Before submitting your application, you are required to discuss your project with one of the relevant Council Officer.

You can find a contact list to speak to a Council Officer in the table within this section. Otherwise if you prefer to speak with an Officer you can call 1300 368 333 and ask for the relevant officer.

Area Relevant Council Officer  Email
Arts & Culture 

Emma Buckley
Festivals and Events


Kelly Toghill


 Public Art


 Yolande Pickett




 Bronwyn Ward




Sarah Sato


 Community Development (Hills)


Janette Scott


 Community Development (Urban)


Santha Press


 Community Development (Upper Yarra)


Michael Goodrich


 Community Development (Valley)


Kellie McPherson


Disability Inclusion


Amanda May


Community Mental Wellbeing


Rachael Giddens


Indigenous Cultural Development Sam Piper
Early and Middle Years


Loren Hedger


Youth Development


Dudu Orman


Sustainability & Environment


Kym Saunders




Apply for an Annual Grant


For more information about the Annual Grants Program, please email or call the Grants Team on 1300 368 333.