Create a recycled flower This activity allows children to be creative, to appreciate the shapes and colours of flowers, and supports fine motor skills as they cut and create their made flowers.
Let's Talk Feelings A game that creates opportunity for children to recognise and talk about emotions and their expression. This is called emotional literacy and supports children to develop empathy and to regulate their emotional states.
Leaf Printing Get outside for a nature walk close to home then make some beautiful leaf printing art using the leaves collected. So simple and effective, and a wonderful activity to do together!
We're going on a bird hunt Encourage creativity through imaginary play, develop focus and attention through careful looking and listening, and learn about the wildlife where you live.
Routines Routines are important for everyone; you may have had to change some or even many of your routines with the impacts and changes we have all been adjusting to recently. Children feel safer and more secure when their home is predictable and for parents and carers, routines can help you feel more organised, in control and less stressed.
Mud Play This activity promotes fine motor skill development (using fingers and hands), connecting with nature and having fun!
Exercise By Dice This activity involves physical movement, body awareness and interactions to promote health and wellbeing.
Benefits of Open-ended Play Open-ended play enables children to be creative, engage in decision making and in problem solving. By exploring the materials, children become architects, designers, builders, explorers, archaeologists, artists, gardeners, inventors, teachers and learners.
Finding Fungi Go out searching for Fungi! Now is a good time to find different types of fungi as they love to grow in the damp but when the soil is still warm.But remember - look but don’t touch! Some types of fungi can be poisonous.
I wonder what's in here? Supporting and understanding child led play, ‘tuning in’ to what your child does with different, everyday items; being present; watch and wonder…
Thanking our helpers and heroes Support your child to create a card to acknowledge the caregivers and essential workers in their family or community. This activity creates opportunity for children to express their feelings and make a positive contribution. Practicing gratitude boosts mental health and this activity can also help children to manage feelings of fear and anxiety in what can feel a very overwhelming and scary time.
Invitation to Play For children to play - there are no rules or expectations for how to play, how items must be used, no specific steps to follow, no right or wrong way. Essentially you are inviting your child to explore, investigate, question, examine, participate, touch, feel, and manipulate through independent play.
Making and Creating with Puff Paint Homemade puff paint is fun, easy and inexpensive to make. It is simple for children to follow instructions and is a fun science experiment as well.
Scavenger hunt Scavenger hunts are a fun way for children to practice problem-solving while also providing good exercise for the growing bodies.
Threading Creative fun activity supports fine motor development and eye hand coordination. Talking about the characters your child creates provides an opportunity to reflect on the feelings and experiences of others - which supports social and emotional development.
Making Pom Poms Get creative while engaging in a mindful activity that encourages hand-eye coordination and fine motor control.
Making a miniature garden A great sensory activity which promotes eye hand co-ordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and assists with connecting to nature and encouraging creativity.
My Gratitude Capsule This activity provides children with an opportunity to explore and share their thoughts and feelings and to reflect on the things about themselves and their families that are unique and special. And when the capsule is opened again it provides opportunity to talk about and understand time, change and the impermanence of things.
Make a Drum n Shaker Encourages listening skills and the ability to transition between loud and quiet activity. Sensory play develops all of the senses, enhances their connection to the natural environment, and allows them to release and recognise strong feelings.
Insect and Bug House This is a science, nature and creative experience that provides an opportunity for learning about habitats, ecosystems, food chains and life cycles.
Make A Butterfly This is a science, nature and creative experience that provides an opportunity for learning about habitats, ecosystems, food chains and life cycles.
Finger knitting Get creative while engaging in a mindful activity that encourages hand-eye coordination and fine motor control
Worm Tunnels This is a science, nature and creative experience that provides an opportunity for learning about habitats, ecosystems, food chains and life cycles
Who is in My Family? This is a fun activity to help children explore their families, neighbourhoods and communities. It helps children identify their own supports and helpers in the community.
Managing Transitions Using a ‘warm & gentle’ approach is a simple parenting strategy that reminds us of the positives of maintaining a calm and supportive environment.
Bark Painting This is a great activity to get the kids outdoors, help them appreciate natural resources, and use art to communicate.
Encouraging Language Encouraging language with children through play and everyday moments is an important learning opportunity for your child
Natural Weaving Get creative, and have fun while supporting fine motor development and eye hand co-ordination.Weaving is an ancient Indigenous practice that has been passed on for generations. What can we discover together about Indigenous weaving?
Everyone Is Wearing Masks Providing reassurance and understanding to children on the changes they are seeing within their community and family.
Puddle Jumping Playing outside and noticing changes in the environment helps children to develop observation skills and spatial awareness.
Let's stay connected Support children to feel connected by talking about the important people in our lives, about where we all live and the places we call home
Nature Pictures Exploring, appreciating nature and Country, and learning more about Indigenous culture to celebrate National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day - Tues 4th August.
Egg Heads This simple science activity looks at how plants grow from seed and how they need water and light to help them grow.
Supporting Emotional Expression Support children to begin to understand and express their emotions and self regulation skills.
Interactive & Imaginative Games Engaging children in playing games to encourage imagination and build language, where nothing additional is required, just themselves.
Time Capsule We are currently making history, let’s document this whilst keeping things ‘real’ for our children.
How To Keep Children Connected During COVID-19 During this unprecedented time, it is important to keep children connected
ROCK ART- adult help required Get creative while engaging in a mindful activity that encourages hand-eye coordination and fine motor control
How to Create a Seasonal Nature Table The seasonal or nature table can be used to create wonder, intrigue and excitement for children in the changing seasons, and can offer a real sense of security in a cosy corner of your home.
How to Garden for Wellbeing The simple act of gardening enables us to get fresh air into our lungs, sunshine onto our skin and our hands grounded in the earth. These key gardening ingredients have proven wellbeing benefits. We have all heard about how going for walks in nature reduces our feelings of stress, creates calm and gives us renewed energy.
Pressed Flowers Nature provides us with so may colours, particularly during Spring time. Our gardens are full of color, the buzzing of bees and maybe even a butterfly. This activity enhances children’s appreciation of what grows in their garden, concepts of nature and extends their motor skills.
How to Practice Self-care in 5 minutes During COVID-19 It is important to take care of your mind, body and soul during these unprecedented times of COVID-19. Learning how to eat healthy balanced meals, exercise regularly, sleep and take time out when you need are all crucial elements of self-care.
Growing Carrots This simple activity supports children’s understanding of where our food comes from and the growth process of carrots.
Balloons Balloons are wonderful! They are light as air and move more slowly than a ball so can be easier to grasp. Here are some learning activities to excite babies and develop their eye-hand coordination and some for pre-schoolers who need to use up some energy!
Wreath making This is a creative way to use things found in nature to create a festive outdoor decoration, promoting use of sustainable items that can be easily composted when finished.
Anzac Day Poppies Spending time with our children making Poppies is a creative way to acknowledge and celebrate ANZAC day and to remember the commemorate all who have and are serving.
Scarf Play Scarf play is a wonderful sensory activity! It is a great bonding and brain building activity with your child.
Seasonal Family Fun Guides Seasonal play and activities provide children with opportunity to connect to nature and the wonders of the changing environment. These Seasonal Guides provide families with ideas for the outdoors, learn and have fun together.
Investigating toadstool and fungi It’s that time of year again, when you will see all sorts of Toadstools and Fungi bursting out of the ground or from damp wood. This is the perfect time as the soil is warm and with the rain, this creates the perfect environment for fungi to grow.
Fun and Learning with Playdough Playdough is the perfect go-to activity for young children as it is fun and supports learning!
Paper Mache’ Wombat Encourages imagination and creativity, problem solving in construction, good for fine motor skills and also has a sensory component in the gluing process.
Paper Bag Puppets This creative fine motor activity supports children’s imagination, language sense of identity by providing children’s with a voice to express, speak and listen.
Paper Mache’ Flower Creative sculpture using recycled materials: encourages imagination and creativity, problem solving in construction, good for fine motor skills and also has a sensory component in the gluing
Let’s Be Active Being active helps our children’s growth & development - their gross motor & fine motor skills, balance, body awareness & strength.