Visitor Paid Parking Pilot project in Warburton starts from 3 May 2025. You can apply online or visit Council's Community Links from 17 March 2025 for your residents' permit.
Pieces of thin, bendy branches with leaves (eg: gums) or lengths of creeper
Gumnuts, seed pods, flowers
Secateurs/scissors & some garden twine, bread ties or string
Ribbon, decorations
Ages: This is an activity for children 3 years+ - young children may need a helping hand from someone older
Purpose: This is a creative way to use things found in nature to create a festive outdoor decoration, promoting use of sustainable items that can be easily composted when finished.
Collect your fallen branches and nature materials.
Once you have your branches, start to build a circle, using the twine to tie together
Keep building to required thickness and keep tying on with twine
Tie on your decorations securely.
You could leave the wreath natural or add a bow or tinsel for some color.
Qs - What shape are we building ? Will we make a big one or a small one ? What colors have we used ?
Extension - Natural resources can create other decorations for the table or garden.
We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay
You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at
Download a printable copy(PDF, 497KB)
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