Let's make a cafe


Things you'll need for this activity

  • cardboard
  • paper plates
  • sticky/masking tape
  • scissors
  • coloured paper
  • bubble wrap or paper for filling

What you'll learn from this activity

Ages: 3+ (the preparation will need some adult help)

Purpose: A fun activity to encourage imagination and pretend play, where children can make their own choices, take turns, build language and practice fine motor skills.  

Let's play!

Ice cream cones

  1. Cut a large paper plate in thirds
  2. Use tape to make a cone
  3. Cover a rounded stuffing (eg bubble wrap/tissue paper) with colored paper; twist and secure in cone with tape. Decorate.

 icecream sequence.PNG


  1. Cut a base from cardboard (thick is best)
  2. Cut bits of colored paper to be the toppings eg: cheese, capsicum, tomatoes, salami
  3. Use bowls, tongs, plates, serviettes to create a shop or cafe scene

pizza sequence.PNG

Let's talk...

Qs - What flavour would you like? What do you think we should put on our pizza?

Extension - Older children may enjoy creating a menu and creating pretend money. Each person can take turns at taking orders, cooking and serving. 

We’d love to see your creations and home based play. Share with us at: @YarraRangesFamilies #YarraRangesPlay You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at earlyyears@yarraranges.vic.gov.au