Lets Pretend...a Wild Environment

Things you'll need for this activity

Adventure supplies

  • Material pieces or scarves
  • Rug, doona, towel
  • Blocks, cars
  • Animals, people
  • Container
  • Coloured paper
  • Imagination

What you'll learn in this activity 

Ages: 10mths + easily adaptable for all pre-schoolers (Pretend play starts around 9 months)

Purpose: Our children learn by exploring the world around them; as parents & carers we can encourage toddlers imagination and pretend play, supporting them to build language skills, explore & express feelings, problem solve and develop a story or game through creativity.  

Let's play!

Toddlers learn by copying the people close to them and also begin to create their own pretend play, stories and games.

We can encourage our children to use their imagination and create wonderful pretend play just by providing a few household items to help create an environment - this suggestion is for a wild environment : white snowy mountains, a brown sandy desert, soft green grass and cool blue water. By adding some toys, blocks, dolls or people, children can act out or make up a story with their toys. They may remember a favourite story or a fun experience, like visiting the beach or zoo. 

* You might also create a city, farm, sea or bush environment.

Wild adventure  

Let's Talk


A great activity to ’follow your child’s lead’, say and do something about what your child is doing, introduce language in play and encourage your child to do more.


Older children could investigate (book/online) what animals live in the jungle ? Who lives in the colder climates ? And maybe draw a scene or map, including more details.

We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay

You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at earlyyears@yarraranges.vic.gov.au