Invitation to Play

What you'll need

  • Recycled materials such as tubes or cardboard pieces.
  • Items from the kitchen
  • Natural items
  • Found items
  • Sand tray
  • ???

What is the learning in this activity?

Ages: All ages

Purpose: For children to play - there are no rules or expectations for how to play, how items must be used, no specific steps to follow, no right or wrong way. Essentially you are inviting your child to explore, investigate, question, examine, participate, touch, feel, and manipulate through independent play.

Let's play

  1. Set up the materials you’ve gathered in a playspace. If you’re inside you might choose a particular spot on the floor or at a child’s table, you could present them on a tray, or you might use a space outside.
  2. Invite you child to play and have fun!
  3. Tidy up when finished or put away for another day
Children playing with sand and plants

Let's talk

Qs - Do you need anything else?  Would you like to play with this again?

Extension - Add figurines or animals or water or craft materials, or food stuff, or.. or….or….to the play. Think colours, textures, shapes,. Try moving the play to a different space, like on the grass, near some logs, under a tree.

We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay
You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at