Visitor Paid Parking Pilot project in Warburton starts from 3 May 2025. You can apply online or visit Council's Community Links from 17 March 2025 for your residents' permit.
Your fingers or a stick or thin piece of wood
Thread - wool, yarn, or native grass
Ages: Age 3-100
Purpose: Creative fun activity supported fine motor development, hand eye co-ordination and concentration. This is a great mindfulness activity!
Qs - How long can you make your finger knitting? Can we measure it?
Extension - Older children might like to try finger knitting on two, three or four fingers. Jump online to look at different ways to use your fingers to knit up creations - like animals, bracelets, necklaces and more!
We'd love to see your creations and home based play! Share with us on Facebook at @yrfamilies #YarraRangesPlay
You can contact the YRC Family & Children’s Services team on 1300 368 333 or by email at
Download a printable copy(PDF, 660KB)
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