The accessible toilets at McKenzie Reserve, Yarra Glen, Lillydale Lake, Lilydale and Kilsyth Sports Stadium, Pinks Reserve Kilsyth are locked to counter vandalism and misuse. Accessing these toilets requires a MLAK key.
The MLAK key fits into specially designed locks and allows 24 hour access to Changing Places toilets and Liberty Swings across Australia.
MLAK keys are available for people who have a disability or have written authority from any of the following:
- a doctor
- a disability organisation
- community health centre
- the owner or management of a building with an accessible toilet on site
The Kilsyth Sports Stadium Changing Places unit (MLAK) and other standard accessible toilet facilities are available Monday to Sunday (varying hours) when the centre is open for sport.
The accessible toilet at Healesville Sanctuary is available during Sanctuary Opening hours, contact Healesville Sanctuary 1300 966 784 or