Kallista Kindergarten Nature Playgroup Nature playgroup for 0-5 year-olds meets Wednesdays 9.30-11 in beautiful local settings. Type : Clubs and community groupsFamily support services
Grand Valley Spinners and Weavers Inc 320 Cambridge Road, Montrose 3765 GVSW is a spinning and weaving guild located in Montrose, Victoria. We are a group of diverse individuals with skill levels ranging from beginner to expert, who focus on using natural fibres for their craft.All skill levels are very welcome.Join us from 10am until 1pm, every Monday and every second Saturday of the month. We gather at the Tapscott Milbourne Centre, 320 Cambridge Road, Montrose. Type : Clubs and community groups
Friends of FC Roadside A year-long project to restore a small section of bushland in Ferny Creek. Type :
Women's Federation for World Peace 42-46 Bartley Road, Belgrave Heights 3160 Women’s Federation for World Peace empowers women as key contributors to a peaceful global society by alleviating poverty, providing values education, mentoring, and leadership training locally in Australia, while supporting university scholarships, micro-credit initiatives, and leadership training in the Pacific to drive lasting change. Type : Clubs and community groupsCultural groupsDonatingSupport groupsSocial supportTownship groupsVolunteering
Rotary Club of Belgrave Glenfern Rd Ferntree Gully, Upper Ferntree Gully 3158 We are a enthusiastic group of volunteers that have formed close friendships with fellow members and formed close relationships with other community groups in the hills. . We have much fun & laughter , however above all we describe our club as "Community Caring for Community" Type : Service clubs
Foothills Community Care 21 Darling Ave, Upwey 3158 Supporting locals in need of an extra hand-up. Type : Clubs and community groupsDonatingEmergency relief groupsFamily support servicesFamily violence supportFood relief (food boxes and meals)Volunteering
Steels Creek Landcare Group Steels Creek Landcare Group focuses on land management issues - planning actions to tackle them in the Steels Creek area. Type :
Healesville CoRE Healesville Community Renewable Energy is a group of passionate local volunteers whose goal is to transition Healesville into a net-zero town by 2027. Type : Volunteering
Repower the Dandenongs Repower The Dandenongs is a not-for-profit, non-politically aligned community group that’s dedicated to renewable energy projects in the area. Type : Volunteering