TLC Birth and Beyond


Dr James Evans (Chiropractor, IBCLC, Spinning Babies approved practitioner®) is running a free workshop for all pregnant mums on Exercises, Stretches and Positions for birth! In this workshop, we will cover a lot of very useful information in a short amount of time. We will show you:

1. Easy exercises and stretches you can do at home
2. The Do's & Don’ts of Pregnancy
3. Give you a deeper understanding on birth anatomy 
4. Present ways to keep balanced in your everyday activities and why this is important for labour/birth
5. Describe what type of discomfort is abnormal during pregnancy and when to seek help
6. How to move your pelvis into different positions during labour/birth



TLC Birth and Beyond,  1/1288 Burwood Highway,  Upper Ferntree Gully 3156  View Map

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