Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater Inc



The Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater formed in May 1989 when the population of the Helmeted Honeyeater reached a critically low level of 50 birds. We share a concern for the future of our critically endangered Victorian bird emblem and want to contribute to the conservation of Australia’s unique flora and fauna. Our mission is to raise awareness of the plight of the Helmeted Honeyeater and engage community in the conservation effort for the species.

We work in the Yellingbo and surrounding area. The Beyond Yellingbo Program works across the following Landcare Group areas: Monbulk Landcare, John's Hill Landcare and Macclesfield Landcare


Volunteer opportunities include:

  • nursery assistance
  • planting days & habitat restoration help
  • citizen science flora, fungi & fauna surveys
  • weekend activities
  • youth events & youth reference group
  • corporate & team building days
  • student placement / work experience
  • … and more.


Indigenous Nursery: 9:00am – 3:00pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and  9:00am – 12:00pm 1st Saturday of the month (April-December).
Citizen Science Events: One to two sessions a month
Youth Reference Group: Monthly
Habitat Restoration events: 1-2 per month - community groups, schools and corporate events can be arranged by contacting the Environmental Coordinator
Seeds and Weeds program: Once a month
Committee of Management meetings: Once a month

Please contact us if you're interested in volunteering.


1217 Macclesfield Road,  Yellingbo 3139  View Map

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