Tender FAQ's

1. How do I access tender documents?

Create a supplier account and login to our tender portal to access tender documents.

For help, please read the etendering help guide(DOCX, 3MB).

If you have any issues creating a supplier account, downloading or uploading a tender, or changing your registration details, please contact Open Windows directly on 03 9994 5482 or email etenderingsupport@openwindows.com.au

You will receive notifications when new tenders are released and can view results on previously awarded tenders. For help with notification and tender alerts please read the tender subscription guide(DOCX, 378KB).

2. How do we seek Quotes from Suppliers?

Quotes are generally not publicly advertised. We usually contact suppliers directly to seek a quote when the need arises.

Refer to our guide to tendering and quoting for further information.