Information for Warburton Businesses

The Economic Development and Investment team are here to help support your business.
Please get in touch via 1300 368 333 or 

Warburton Road Closure

Works to repair the landslip on Warburton Highway will require a full road closure and Warburton Highway will be closed to all traffic between 26 April and 10 May for major works. One lane will reopen on the Warburton Highway from 11 May 2023, (as per the current traffic arrangement). Repairs are expected to be completed by 31 May 2023 and the road reopened to two lanes of traffic.

For more information visit: Warburton Highway Roadworks and keep up to date with Vic Roads


Warburton Valley CEDA have been meeting with Department of Transport to work through the impacts to businesses during the road closure. Further details can be found on the CEDA website: Trader updates - Road Closure (

Further information on the repairs to the Warburton Highway can be found on the VicRoads website.

If you would like to be kept informed about the project email:

Bin Collection Services information


Warburton Road Closure Support Services

Partners In Wellbeing 

Partners in Wellbeing offer free, confidential one-on-one business advice, financial advice and wellbeing support to business owners. The team is available 9am – 10pm weekdays and 9am – 5pm weekends. Call 1300 375 330 or visit the 


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