You are unable to trade in a health or accommodation business until the registration has been transferred into your name.
To transfer a current health or accommodation registration you need:
Complete the online application and pay the application fee of $210.00
Your application will be reviewed by an Environmental Health Officer and the business will be inspected. You may be contacted for further information.
Your transfer is complete when you receive the certificate of registration. You cannot trade until you have received the certificate of registration in your name.
Complete an online application to transfer
Complete a paper based application:
The application fee is $210.00
Return your application to our Community Links or mail to PO Box 105 Lilydale.
If you have completed your application online, you do not need to mail in your application.
Before buying an existing accommodation or health business, such as a bed and breakfast or beauty salon, we recommend you arrange a pre-transfer inspection and report.
You must have the business owner's consent to arrange a pre-transfer inspection.
Our Environmental Health Officers will inspect the business and prepare a report for your information. You can then work with the existing owner to resolve any outstanding items.
Once application and payment are received, an inspection is arranged (within 10 days) with the current proprietors present. Following the inspection, a report is written and sent to the pre-transfer inspection applicant.
For further enquiries, contact our Public Health Department on 1300 368 333.