Next date: Thursday, 20 March 2025 | 12:00 PM to 02:30 PM
Help Your Loved Ones and Community Thrive in a Digital Age: Become a Digital Mentor and help loved ones Be Connected, and turn frustration into fun!
This course will help you to support people through their first steps to using digital devices and the internet, and improve their digital skills. You'll learn about the language and techniques needed to support someone, and the possible barriers that people who are new to the internet can experience.
Training is available onsite at the Kilsyth Community Hub (for sessions outside of June) and Mooroolbark Library (for the June 5th and 12th sessions). Additionally, online training is offered for those who prefer flexibility. Together, we can ensure no one gets left behind in the digital world!
Japara Neighbourhood House, 54 - 58 Durham Road, Kilsyth, 3137, View Map
54 - 58 Durham Road , Kilsyth 3137