Eucalyptus fulgens
Green Scentbark
Medium tree with coarsely furrowed rough bark to small branches, branchlets smooth.
Additional information
- SynonymSeparated from Eucalyptus aromaphloia
- FamilyMyrtaceae
- StoreyUpper storey
- Size12-20 m x 7-15 m
- Plant groupingTrees 5 m +
- LeavesEgg-shaped to elliptic bluish-green juvenile leaves to 7.5 cm x 2 cm. Adult - long, lance-shaped, glossy green leaves to 18 cm x 1.8 cm.
- Flower colourWhite
- Flowering timeJanuary to March
- Flowers7-clustered funnel-shaped buds with pointed caps. Fruit cup-shaped, valves slightly protruding.
- Bird attractingGeneral - food and habitat
- Butterfly attractingFood plant for caterpillars
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsMoist loam soils of valleys in the foothills. Full or partial sun.
- Garden useShade tree for moist but not wet areas.
- Commercially availableIndigenous nursery
- Conservation statusRare in Victoria with few known populations, most of which are within the Shire.
- Aboriginal Use Eucalypts provided food, medicines, containers, string and tools.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1, 4 David Blair ©, 2, 3, 5 Marilyn Bull ©;
Plant Communities