Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle, Garrong A fast growing open tree with smooth dark bark. Gum often exudes from the bark.
Acacia obliquinervia Mountain Hickory Wattle Dense large shrub to small tree with smooth grey bark. Branchlets with waxy covering.
Allocasuarina littoralis Black Sheoak Upright dark green tree with fissured bark. Trees are male or female.
Hedycarya angustifolia Austral or Native Mulberry, Djelwuck Slender large shrub to small tree with short hairs on new growth and flowers. Male and female flowers on separate plants (dioecious).
Leptospermum grandifolium Mountain Teatree Dense shrub to rounded tree, smooth bark on larger stems, sheds in papery strips.
Melaleuca ericifolia Swamp Paperbark Dense or open upright suckering shrub or small tree. Papery bark.
Melaleuca parvistaminea Rough-barked Honey-myrtle Dense or open upright shrub or small tree. Rough scaly bark.
Olearia argophylla Musk Daisy-bush Rounded, open to dense large shrub or small tree with grey ribbony bark, branchlets covered in dense silvery hairs.
Prostanthera lasianthos var. lasianthos Victorian Christmas Bush Small, aromatic spreading to erect tree. Young growth may be hairy.