Melaleuca squarrosa
Scented Paperbark
Upright, open to compact shrub, rarely a small tree to 10m. Papery to corky bark, rough on older stems.
Additional information
- FamilyMyrtaceae
- StoreyMiddle storey
- Size2-5 m x 1-2 m
- Plant groupingShrubs 1.5-10 m
- LeavesLeaves paired, each pair at right angles to next, egg-shaped, pointed tip, 5-7 veins, dotted with glands below, 5-12 mm x 3-7 mm.
- Flower colourPale yellow
- Flowering timeSeptember to February
- FlowersTerminal spike of perfumed flowers to 5 cm long. Capsules persistent, wrinkled.
- Bird attractingNectar, insects
- Butterfly attractingNectar for butterflies
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsMoist to wet swampy soils. Frost tolerant. Full sun, semi shade.
- Garden useAn attractive shrub with wafting perfume. Requires summer moisture to achieve full size. Pruning beneficial.
- Commercially availableAustralian plant & indigenous nurseries
- Conservation statusLocally common within its preferred growing conditions
- Aboriginal Use Paper bark - wrapping for babies, blankets, bandages, roofing; food - nectar
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1 Yarra Ranges Council photo library; 2-4 Peter Kinchington; 5 Marilyn Bull ©
Plant Communities