
Hakea teretifolia ssp. hirsuta

Dagger Hakea

Dense erect to spreading shrub, branchlets covered in dense down.

Additional information

  • FamilyProteaceae
  • StoreyMiddle storey
  • Size2-3 m x 1-3 m
  • Plant groupingShrubs 1.5-10 m
  • LeavesRigid needle-like leaves, sharply pointed.
  • Flower colourWhite
  • Flowering timeNovember to February
  • FlowersMasses of downy flowers in clusters of 4, 6 or 8. Fruit - narrow and dagger-shaped to 30 mm long.
  • Bird attractingGeneral - food and habitat
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsMoist to wet soil in heathy woodland. Frost tolerant. Full sun.
  • Garden useAdapts in cultivation to dryer conditions. Prickly nature will provide protection for wildlife and traffic control.
  • Commercially availableIndigenous nursery
  • Conservation statusScattered in a few localised populations within the Shire.
Photographer/s: 1, 4, 5 Marilyn Bull ©; 2 Ken Harris ©; 3 Peter Kinchington ©

Plant Communities

  • 13 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Upper Yarra (EVC 18)
  • 21 Broad-leaf Peppermint Heathy Dry Forest (EVC 20)
  • 22 Silver-leaf Stringybark Heathy Woodland (EVC 48)
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