
Allocasuarina paludosa

Scrub or Swamp Sheoke

Open to dense shrub with smooth bark. Plants male and/or female. Ribs on branchlets are grooved. Furrows densely downy.

Additional information

  • SynonymCasuarina paludosa
  • FamilyCasuarinaceae
  • StoreyMiddle storey
  • Size0.5-3 m x 1-2 m
  • Plant groupingShrubs 1.5-10 m
  • LeavesLeaves reduced to 5-8 erect or spreading teeth, not overlapping.
  • Flower colourMale - brown; female - red
  • Flowering timeMarch to October
  • FlowersMale flowers - spikes 1-4 cm long at end of branchlets; female flowers along branchlets. Cones egg-shaped to 18 mm long.
  • Bird attractingSeeds, insects
  • Butterfly attractingFood plant for caterpillars
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsMoist to wet clay and sandy soil, above swamps. Frost tolerant. Full sun.
  • Garden useDense screen plant for poorly drained positions. Bird habitat.
  • Commercially availableAustralian plant & indigenous nurseries
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites. More common outside the Shire boundary.
  • Aboriginal Use Food - shoots and young cones; Wood - weapons
Photographer/s: 1, 3, 4, 5 Peter Kinchington ©; 2 Marilyn Bull ©

Plant Communities

  • 30 Swamp Gum Swampy Riparian Woodland (EVC 83)
  • 22 Silver-leaf Stringybark Heathy Woodland (EVC 48)
  • 25 Long-leaf Box Grassy Dry Forest - Southern Dandenongs (EVC 22)
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