Acacia verniciflua
Varnish Wattle
Open medium shrub to small tree, sometimes weeping, young branchlets have broad yellow bands between slightly raised pale yellowish ribs.
Additional information
- FamilyFabaceae
- StoreyMiddle storey
- Size1-3 m x 2-4 m
- Plant groupingShrubs 1.5-10 m
- LeavesLeaves shiny, sticky, light green, variable in shape 2-7 cm x 2-15 mm. Leaves have 2 main veins, both arising from the base, side veins absent. The gland is 0-2 mm above the leaf base.
- Flower colourPale to bright yellow
- Flowering timeJuly to November
- Flowers2-3 ball-shaped flowerheads, usually singly, in leaf axils, massed along upper branches. Narrow to narrowly-oblong pods 4-12 cm 3-6 mm, raised and sometimes sticky over seeds.
- Bird attractingSeeds, insects
- Butterfly attractingNo
- Frog habitatNo
- Growing conditionsOccurs locally in moist mountain & foothill forests. Will tolerate both wet and drier conditions. Full sun, semi & dappled shade.
- Garden useLight screening plant. Grow under established trees.
- Commercially availableIndigenous nursery
- Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from very few local sites. More common outside the Shire boundary.
- Aboriginal Use Food - seeds, pods
- Related speciesAcacia leprosa var. uninervia and A. stictophylla have leaves with one midrib vein only. The bands of dark resin on branchlets characterises A. verniciflua.
Photo Gallery
Photographer/s: 1, 3 Marilyn Bull ©; 2 Owen Gooding ©; 4 Russell Best, NatureShare ©
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