
Acacia verticillata ssp. ovoidea

Ovoid Prickly Moses

Wiry spreading to prostrate shrub.

Additional information

  • FamilyFabaceae
  • StoreyLower storey
  • Size1-2 m x 3-4 m
  • Plant groupingShrubs to 2m
  • LeavesLeaves often flattened, very sharp, scattered or clustered but rarely in regular rings, to 10 mm long.
  • Flower colourYellow
  • Flowering timeJuly to December
  • FlowersStalkless or shortly stalked flowerheads are round to egg-shaped and less than 1 cm long.
  • Bird attractingGeneral - food and habitat
  • Butterfly attractingNo
  • Frog habitatNo
  • Growing conditionsMoist soil in heathlands and woodlands of the mountains and foothills. Semi shade.
  • Garden useExcellent bird habitat in moist or wet areas. Suits winter wet, summer dry sites. Prune for bushiness.
  • Commercially availableNo information available
  • Conservation statusSignificant within the Shire. Known from scattered local sites. More common outside the Shire boundary.
  • Related speciesAcacia verticillata ssp. verticillata and Acacia verticillata ssp. cephalantha are larger with more needle-like leaves and more spike-like flowerheads.
Photographer/s: 1, 2 Peter Kinchington ©; 3 Healesville Sanctuary ©; 4 Marilyn Bull ©

Plant Communities

  • 05 Mountain Ash Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 30)
  • 06 Mountain Ash Wet Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 30)
  • 30 Swamp Gum Swampy Riparian Woodland (EVC 83)
  • 08 Mountain Grey Gum Damp Forest – Dandenongs (EVC 29)
  • 12 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 18)
  • 07 Mountain Grey Gum Damp Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 29)
  • 11 Manna Gum Riparian Forest - Central Highlands (EVC 18)
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