35 Floodplain Wetland Complex (EVC 172) - Nursery list

Aquatic & semi-aquatic


  • Lythrum salicaria (Purple Loosestrife) - Lower storey
  • Isolepis fluitans var. fluitans (Floating Club-rush) - Lower storey
  • Ottelia ovalifolia ssp. ovalifolia (Swamp Lily) - Lower storey
  • Alisma plantago-aquatica (Water Plantain) - Lower storey
  • Crassula helmsii (Swamp Crassula) - Lower storey
  • Eleocharis acuta (Common Spike-rush) - Lower storey
  • Triglochin striata (Streaked Arrow-grass) - Lower storey
  • Cycnogeton alcockiae (Southern Water-ribbons) - Lower storey
  • Cycnogeton procerum (Water-ribbons, Nareli, Pol-an-go) - Lower storey
  • Carex gaudichaudiana (Fen Sedge) - Lower storey
  • Lycopus australis (Australian Gipsywort) - Lower storey
  • Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (River Club-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Baumea arthrophylla (Fine Twig-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Glyceria australis (Australian Sweet-grass) - Lower storey
  • Persicaria decipiens (Slender Knotweed) - Lower storey
  • Machaerina arthrophylla (Fine Twig-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Gratiola peruviana (Austral Brooklime) - Lower storey
  • Ranunculus amphitrichus (Small River Buttercup) - Lower storey
  • Ranunculus inundatus (River Buttercup) - Lower storey
  • Eleocharis sphacelata (Tall Spike-rush) - Middle storey
  • Cyperus gunnii ssp. gunnii (Flecked Flat-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Machaerina gunnii (Slender Twig-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Potamogeton ochreatus (Blunt Pondweed) - Lower storey
  • Bolboschoenus fluviatilis (Tall Club-sedge) - Middle storey
  • Cyperus lucidus (Leafy Flat-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Carex fascicularis (Tassel Sedge) - Lower storey
  • Phragmites australis (Common Reed) - Middle storey
  • Alternanthera denticulata (Lesser Joyweed) - Lower storey
  • Persicaria praetermissa (Spotted Knotweed) - Lower storey
  • Amphibromus fluitans (Graceful Swamp Wallaby-grass) - Lower storey
  • Myriophyllum crispatum (Upright Water-milfoil) - Lower storey
  • Persicaria subsessilis (Hairy Knotweed) - Lower storey
  • Baumea gunnii (Slender Twig-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Isolepis inundata (Swamp Club-sedge) - Lower storey
  • Potamogeton cheesemanii (Floating Pondweed) - Lower storey
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    Climbers & Creepers


  • Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) - Middle storey
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    There are epiphytes in this plant community available in nurseries.

    Ferns & Fern Allies

    There are no ferns or fern allies in this plant community available in nurseries.

    Lilies & Irises



    There are no mistletoes in this plant community available in nurseries


    There are no orchids in this plant community available in nurseries.