18 Messmate Shrubby Foothill Forest - Dandenongs (EVC 45)


Community structure 

Open forest or woodland with an  upper storey of medium eucalypts to 30m tall dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua (Messmate) and E. radiata (Narrow-leaf Peppermint) over a diverse middle storey of narrow-leaved shrubs, especially wattles, peas or tea-tree. The lower storey has grasses, sedges, herbs, wire-grass and bracken. 


Occurs at lower altitudes to 450m on ridges and exposed slopes mainly on southern and eastern slopes in association with Damp Forest or Wet Forest on moderately fertile soils. This vegetation community occurs in the Dandenong Ranges, especially to the east in the foothills with outlying patches to the west of the Yarra River, near Healesville. 

Typical suburbs/areas occurring in this EVC are:  Belgrave South, Selby, Tremont, The Basin, Montrose, Silvan, Mt Evelyn, Monbulk, The Patch, Wandin East, Wandin North, Gruyere. 

Plant Listings