15 Scented Paperbark Riparian Thicket (EVC 59) - Nursery list

Climbers & Creepers


  • Billardiera mutabilis (Common Apple-berry, Apple Dumpling) - Lower storey
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    There are epiphytes in this plant community available in nurseries.



    There are no mistletoes in this plant community available in nurseries


    There are no orchids in this plant community available in nurseries.



  • Bossiaea cordigera (Wiry Bossiaea) - Lower storey
  • Sprengelia incarnata (Pink Swamp-heath) - Lower storey
  • Dillwynia sericea (Showy Parrot-pea) - Lower storey
  • Dillwynia cinerascens (Grey Parrot-pea) - Lower storey
  • Acacia brownii (Heath Wattle) - Lower storey
  • Epacris impressa (Common Heath) - Lower storey
  • Olearia glandulosa (Swamp Daisy-bush) - Lower storey
  • Pultenaea hispidula (Rusty Bush-pea) - Lower storey
  • Pultenaea gunnii ssp. gunnii (Golden Bush-pea) - Lower storey
  • Bauera rubioides (Wiry Bauera, River or Dog Rose) - Lower storey
  • Gompholobium huegelii (Common Wedge-pea, Karalla) - Lower storey
  • Goodenia ovata (Hop Goodenia) - Lower storey
  • Epacris obtusifolia (Blunt-leaf Heath) - Lower storey
  • Acacia verticillata ssp. cephalantha (Prickly Moses) - Middle storey
  • Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghammii (Hairpin Banksia) - Middle storey
  • Kunzea leptospermoides (Yarra Burgan) - Middle storey
  • Ozothamnus ferrugineus (Tree Everlasting) - Middle storey
  • Leptospermum continentale (Prickly Teatree) - Middle storey
  • Coprosma quadrifida (Prickly Currant-bush) - Middle storey
  • Melaleuca squarrosa (Scented Paperbark) - Middle storey
  • Bursaria spinosa ssp. spinosa (Sweet Bursaria, Kurwan, Tupy) - Middle storey
  • Melicytus dentatus (Tree Violet) - Middle storey
  • Leptospermum lanigerum (Woolly Teatree) - Middle storey
  • Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius (Rosemary Everlasting) - Middle storey
  • Cassinia aculeata (Common Cassinia) - Middle storey
  • Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa (Bushy Needlewood) - Middle storey
  • Pultenaea forsythiana (Prickly Bush-pea) - Middle storey
  • Olearia lirata (Snow Daisy-bush) - Middle storey
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